Drop-In Hours

Fall 2024

Weekly Zoom hours begin August unless otherwise noted as cancelled.

  • Students who have NOT been admitted to Terry College yet are not advised in this department. Contact exploration@uga.edu to find out the process of being assigned to an advisor for “pre-business.”
  • Email your primary advisor if you have questions.
  • Drop-In Hours are a good opportunity to talk about changing majors, adding minors or certificates, class concerns, etc.
  • Semester advising and clearing is only available by appointment. Students who have been accepted into Terry College for either AB ECON or BBA ECON should email their primary advisor to inquire about scheduling an appointment this summer for advising and clearing.

Marilena Congi and Erik Donofrio

  • Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m. (Zoom Only)
  • Wednesdays, 3-4 p.m. (In Person)

Savannah Miller

  • Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m. (Zoom Only)
  • Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-11 a.m. (In Person)
    • EMAIL your advisor for the ZOOM meeting link
  • Zoom links are found in the Monday ECON Student ListServ Email and advisor email signature

Semester Advising Appointments

  • Please notify the advisor 24 hours in advance by phone or email if you are not able to make it to your advising appointment as scheduled.
  • NO SHOW PROCEDURE: If you are not able to make your semester advising appointment, you should notify your advisor with 24 hours notice in advance of your meeting or cancel your appointment on your own in SAGE. Students who “no show” or cancel with less than 24 hours notice for semester advising appointments greatly hinder the advisor’s ability to advise everyone in a timely manner. There are no “no show” appointments for students who missed their appointments. Please review the Terry College’s advisement policy which includes information about no-shows and cancellations. Students who “no show” will be allowed to reschedule later in the semester which may affect the student’s ability to register on time.
  • IMPORTANT: Students graduating in the current term should NOT schedule an appointment but should email their advisor for a separate appointment time if current Drop-in hours are not convenient. Students studying abroad should not schedule advising appointments but should email their advisor with their current course schedule information in order to be advised by email.
  • Advising is mandatory each semester prior to registering for classes.
  • Semester advising and clearing is NOT available during drop-in hours.
  • WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO BE ADVISED SOONER RATHER THAN LATER: Spring 2025 advising appointments began in August 2024. Current ECON students are asked to schedule their appointment before October 2024. The new admits to ECON will have exclusive access to our SAGE appointments for almost the entire month of October. Registration begins for Spring 2025 in November. Don’t delay setting your advising appointment!
Headshot of Savannah Miller
  • Departmental Advisor, John Munro Godfrey, Sr. Department of Economics
Marilena Congi
  • College Advisor, Undergraduate Program in Athens
Headshot of Erik Donofrio
  • College Advisor, Undergraduate Program in Athens

How to Declare or Change Majors to ECON

Students will first declare themselves as Intended-BBA Economics or Intended-AB Economics majors, will do this through their Athena account, and will be advised by an advisor in the Exploratory Center specializing in “intended” majors until accepted into Terry College. Contact the Exploratory Center to be assigned to an advisor by completing an online referral form.

You must apply to Terry College in order to continue in the major. Entrance requirements and admission information can be found on the Terry College Admissions webpages.

ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomics is the prerequisite course for taking the major Economics electives, so students are strongly encouraged to take this course as their first major course. ECON 4010 is typically available spring, summer and fall semesters. This course is not offered online. ECON 4010 is the only major ECON course open to students before they’re admitted to Terry College.

Prerequisites for ECON 4010 are MATH 2200/2250 (or BUSN 4000 for BBA students only) and ECON 2105 and ECON 2106.

INTENDED AB ECON and INTENDED BBA ECON majors: Each semester, a few weeks after registration begins, you will have access to register for ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomics. If the course is full, you can join the waitlist on Athena at that time.

ECON 4800 Internship

Economics majors who are already accepted into Terry College may seek University credit for internships. An internship experience is not required for completion of the economics major requirements. Students must apply, have the prerequisites, and be approved before enrolling in the course. The required Proposal Form is available under “Student Resources” on this page. Please see your academic advisor with any questions about internship credit.

BUSN 5000: Introduction to Data Science

New Economics majors are required to complete BUSN 5000 for their Economics degree. The best time to take this course is along with ECON ECON 4010 Intermediate Microeconomics and have completed BUSN 4000 OR MATH 2000 or MATH 2250. This course is a hands-on approach, with a focus on techniques of data preparation; descriptive, explanatory, and predictive analyses; and scientific communication.

Terry Analytics Lab

The Terry Analytics Lab will be assisting students with econometrics, research, and senior theses in-person in Ivester E111. Our hours will be Monday and Wednesday from 5-7pm and Tuesday from 3-7pm and Thursday from 1-7pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to Taylor Gorak at taylor.gorak@uga.edu.

Considering Returning To Complete Your Economics Degree at UGA?

Contact the academic advisor through the email link on this page. Please follow the Registrar’s “Readmission Information for Returning Undergraduates” on reapplying to finish your undergraduate degree, noting that the deadline is one business week before classes begin for the next semester.

Economics Double Dawgs

The John Munro Godfrey, Sr. Department of Economics offers a combined bachelors/masters degree program through the Double Dawgs program. Interested students can email the program advisor via the Double Dawgs website.

  1. First, on the Double Dawgs website, browse the program list to find the Economics Double Dawgs programs.
  2. Next, click the Economics program you are interested in.
  3. Click the “learn more” button.
  4. Use the “express your interest” button. This generates a notification to the ECON undergraduate advisor. You can expect a follow up email in the coming days.

THE NEXT INFORMATION SESSION has not yet been scheduled. Instead, please email econua@uga.edu for information and use the Double Dawgs website to indicate your official interest in this pathway.

Student Resources