RMI Mentorship Program

The Atlanta RIMS Chapter and the Georgia CPCU Chapter are working cooperatively with representatives from the University of Georgia and Georgia State University to create a dynamic new mentor program. Last year was the ninth year for this program and the feedback from both industry and student participants was very favorable. We are now ready to accept our 10th class of mentors and mentees.

The program’s stated objective is: “to prepare risk management students to become future business leaders by linking them with senior risk management and insurance mentors who have taken that path and are committed to sharing with the next generation.”

So, if you would like to learn more about the profession from an experienced industry professional, you are well suited as a mentee for this program.

Need more information concerning expectations and time commitments? Review the RMI Mentorship Program Guidelines

This seventh mentorship class will be limited to between 20 and 30 student participants. We anticipate expanding the program in the future so all interested students can participate.

RMI Internship Program

The University of Georgia’s Risk Management and Insurance program offers students the chance to simultaneously earn money, obtain experience, gain crucial practical knowledge that cannot be learned through coursework, and earn credit toward a degree. Intern sponsors often find the students to be real assets and some even offer them full-time positions upon graduation. Both small and large corporations all over the United States have participated in the program. (Employers wishing to provide an internship please visit the Internship Placement page.)

Students interested in an internship should read the information below very carefully.

Please see our FAQ for more information.

Internship Guidelines

In order to qualify for an internship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Risk Management and Insurance major with at least 60 earned hours prior to the term in which you will be working and enrolled for internship credit.
  • Have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
  • Have successfully completed RMIN 4000 with a grade of C or better.

For an internship to qualify, it must provide:

  • Relevant work experience in your area of study.
  • Compensation of at least $8.00/hour.
  • At least 150 hours of work for 3 hours credit and at least 300 hours of work for 6 hours credit.

Obtaining an Internship

You should make every effort to find your own position at the beginning of the semester before you wish to intern for credit. Internship opportunity information sent to the department will be posted to the RMININFO listserv. ALL students are strongly encouraged to register with Handshake in order have access to employment information provided through the Career Center.

Required Steps

  • Complete the Job Confirmation Form. Please complete the form with Adobe Reader (a free download is here (for PCs) and here (for Macs). Please make sure the form can be edited when you save it. DO NOT use your browser or Preview (for Mac users) to complete the the form.
  • Email completed form to Dr. David Eckles at deckles@uga.edu.
  • Register for RMIN 4800. Please allow at least 3 working days after you submit your job confirmation form for registration eligibility. You will receive an email from your academic advisor as soon as you are cleared to register for RMIN 4800. You may enroll for either 3 or 6 hours credit. You must work at least 150 hours for 3 hours credit and at least 300 hours for 6 hours credit. As with any course in which you receive academic credit, you will need to pay tuition for these hours.

Internship Coursework Requirements

The following coursework requirements are due after completing your internship. For specific information on the internship requirements, please refer to the course syllabus. The information provided below is for reference purposes only.

  • Photograph of you with your employer’s sign
  • One page summary
  • Journal of daily activities
  • Paper analyzing your employer and your activities during your internship
  • Supervisor evaluation – The department will request this information from your supervisor upon completion of your internship.

Supporting Documentation

Undergraduate Career Services

For information related to networking and recruitment. The Office of Undergraduate Student Services in Terry College can tell you all about alumni panels, Employer of the Day, Terry Talks, New Student Welcome, mentorships, and many other opportunities to connect you with recruiters and alumni.

UGA Career Center

For information related to résumés and interviewing. The UGA Career Center is your best resource for résumé writing tips, career fairs, business etiquette advice, mock interviews, and countless other opportunities for professional development.


University of Georgia Bulletin

The University of Georgia Bulletin is the official publication for academic matters of the University of Georgia. You can also view a copy of the syllabus for all classes.

Headshot of Courtney Gray
  • Department Advisor, Department of Insurance, Legal Studies and Real Estate