The Terry Women’s Initiative (TWI) is committed to student success and provides an array of experiences and resources designed to promote the confidence and leadership skills needed for students to achieve their academic, personal and professional goals. 

As an inclusive initiative, we welcome UGA students of all majors, genders and degree types.

Stay in Touch

Program Highlights

Learning from the Pro Series

A series of panels, workshops and presentations designed to introduce students to potential career paths, help them learn valuable soft skills and build their Terry network.

Coffee & Conversations

In this small-group setting, students join an alumna for coffee and an informal conversation about opportunities, challenges, and successes one might face while navigating the post-graduation career path.

TWI Annual Golf Clinic

Terry alumnae, business leaders, and students participate in an interactive golf lesson, learning about the importance of golf as a networking tool, and concluding with a networking reception. This event is held each fall and spring semester at the UGA Golf Course.

Sea Island Scholars

Sea Island Scholars is designed to offer an annual, experiential learning opportunity with notable Terry alumnae and supporters. This experience offers an inside look at the business operations at Sea Island, and the chance for students to further develop personal and professional goals.

The activities of the Sea Island Scholars program are designed to:

  • Inform students about the history and business operations of a highly successful hotel and resort.
  • Engage students intellectually through lectures and discussions with alumni and guest speakers.
  • Promote professional development and personal goals, plans and mentorship.
  • Encourage team building through a variety of outdoor activities (e.g. nature walks, yoga, etc.).

For more information about the Sea Island Scholars cohort, sign up for our newsletter.

We are eager to provide innovative programming to meet all of our students’ needs. Please reach out to us here with suggestions or feedback.

Terry Women’s Initiative Leadership Cabinet 2024–2025

Madeline Pierce
Madeline Pierce
Senior Coordinator

May 2025

Maggie Bell
Junior Coordinator

May 2026

Cecelia De Jong
Cecelia De Jong
Marketing Chair

May 2025

Katie Field
Programming Chair

May 2026

Sophia Beasley
Sophia Beasley
Social Media Co-Chair

May 2026

Anna Gready
Anna Gready
Social Media Co-Chair

May 2026

Urja Davesar
Urja Davesar
Promotions & Communications Co-Chair

May 2026

Paige Sawyer
Paige Sawyer
Promotions & Communications Co-Chair

May 2025

Claire Young
Claire Young
Virtual Engagement Co-Chair

May 2026

Hannah Kniker
Hannah Kniker
Virtual Engagement Co-Chair

May 2026

Siri Alla
Siri Alla
Community Outreach Co-Chair

May 2025

Amelia Oswald
Amelia Oswald
Community Outreach Co-Chair

May 2026

Meghana Kottapalli
Meghana Kottapalli
Intended Business Co-Chair

May 2027

Caroline Cooper
Caroline Cooper
Intended Business Co-Chair

May 2026

Jenny Gentry
Jenny Gentry
Intended Business Co-Chair

May 2025

Sophie Steiner
Sophie Steiner
Nutrition & Wellness Co-Chair

May 2026

Mia Horwath
Mia Horwath
Nutrition & Wellness Co-Chair

May 2027


Sharen headshot
  • Director of Undergraduate Student Services, Undergraduate Student Services
Lyndie headshot
  • Assistant Director of Student Engagement, Undergraduate Student Services

Student Coordinators

Sister Organizations

These student-led organizations offer an array of impressive programming and provide more ways to get involved: