Companies & Recruiters

Hire Our Grads!

Our undergraduate and graduate students are educated in highly ranked programs and engaged in leadership and community initiatives beyond the classroom.

Terry graduates are known for their good character and strong work ethic, as well as their business skills. Through classroom learning and hands-on experience, our students are ready for the workforce. Whether for internships or full-time jobs, we offer companies eager and well-rounded recruits.

Achieve your organizational goals with talent from our MBA and specialized master’s programs. Our graduate programs produce top candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and with a strong knowledge in key areas like analytics, strategy, management, marketing research and much more.

Custom Recruiting

Looking to hire workforce-ready candidates? The Terry College of Business offers custom-built recruiting solutions to match your company’s hiring needs. Work with our corporate engagement team to identify the right programs for your open positions, offering a deep pool of quality candidates.

Our networks of students, alumni, and faculty are valuable resources for any organization. Partner with Terry to host or join an event, sponsor a project or program, or let our students help you address real business problems through project-based learning opportunities.

Keep your team sharp and relevant by enrolling in a certificate program, or let us create a custom-designed program for your leadership groups. Terry’s executive programs develop capabilities and leadership strengths while solving business problems and driving growth.

Terry’s Selig Center for Economic Growth performs custom studies for businesses looking to prepare for future market shifts. This valuable economic research can be a game-changer for an organization of any size.

From humble beginnings, Terry became a leader in business education.
With the continued support of our community, the possibilities are endless. Learn more about donating funds or resources to the college.

Are you a Student?

We have a number of resources to help you find jobs and internships.