Semester Advising Appointments
- Log into SAGE to schedule your semester advising appointment.
- All students must be seen for advising in order to register for the next semester. You will not be cleared to register until you have been advised.
- Please notify your advisor by email at least 24 hours in advance if you will not be able to keep your appointment as scheduled.
- No-Show Policy: Being more than 10 minutes late to an advising appointment, rescheduling with less than 24 hours’ notice, or missing an appointment entirely will all be recorded as a No-Show, according to Terry College policy. No-Shows will need to reschedule their advising appointments later in the semester, potentially after registration has begun. Please make good use of your smartphones, reminders, and calendar apps to prevent this issue.
- Appointments for Spring 2025 advising will open by the end of Fall Drop/Add.
- Fall 2024 graduates do not need advising appointments and will not be able to access their advisor’s SAGE calendar. Please use drop-in hours or email your advisor with any questions or concerns.
- Departmental Academic Advisor, Legal Studies Program, Real Estate Program
Drop-In Hours 2024-2025
Drop-In hours during fall and spring semesters are set aside for students with general questions about changing/adding majors or certificates, concerns about classes, etc. Semester advising is *not* available during these times. Our scheduled times are:
- Deede Walker: Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m., in person or on Zoom.
- Jill Hopkins: Tuesdays (in person) and Wednesdays (Zoom only) from 3:00-4:00.
For Zoom attendance, you must sign in using your UGA MyID.
New to the Major?
Keep in mind that with the exception of REAL 4000, Principles of Real Estate, all of our major courses are taught only one semester each year:
FALL only:
- REAL 5090 (Investment)
- REAL 5070S (Development)
SPRING only:
Students must complete REAL 4000, 5080, 5090, 5100, and either 5070S or 5200 as part of the degree requirements.
The University of Georgia Bulletin is the official publication for academic matters. This site has links to degree requirements, course descriptions/syllabi, programs of study (including minors and certificates), and academic calendars.
DegreeWorks is an extremely helpful tool for understanding your degree requirements and tracking your progress toward graduation. The “What If” option allows you to see how changing/adding a program of study affects what you’ll need to take, or whether particular courses you’d like to take will count toward specific degree requirements.
Approximately 85% of REAL majors will complete an internship of some kind before graduating. If you are seeking academic credit for a real estate internship (REAL 4800), make sure you thoroughly understand the process. The Real Estate Program pages provide essential general information about eligibility, registration, coursework, FAQ, and timelines. Internships must be approved in advance. Requests may be submitted at any time during the semester prior to the one in which the internship will be completed, and no later than the beginning of Drop/Add. Please allow at least 3 days for review and notification. Once your internship request has been approved, you will be able to register for the course hours.
Transient/Transfer Credit
Research carefully and consult with your academic advisor before taking courses at another college or university to transfer back into your program of study here. Even if a course taken elsewhere is determined to be equivalent to a required UGA course, there are additional requirements pertaining to credits that must be taken at UGA and/or Terry College. These residency requirements are outlined in DegreeWorks, the Bulletin, and on your semester advising form.
Get Involved
Participation in student activities is an important part of your undergraduate experience. The Terry College website has a page devoted to student clubs and organizations.
As a real estate major, you are especially encouraged to join the Real Estate Society, which provides eligibility for scholarships and inclusion in the departmental resume book. Meetings feature employer presentations on their work in commercial real estate, as well as internship and full-time employment opportunities.
Career Resources
Real Estate majors have two sources of support for career planning and job placement. The UGA Career Center offers assistance with resumes, interviewing skills, job searches, and more. They sponsor numerous events throughout the year ranging from mentoring programs and LinkedIn critiques to job fairs.
Terry’s Undergraduate Student Services Office organizes a full schedule of networking events with Terry alumni, industry leaders, and potential employers. Check your inbox for “This Week at Terry,” a newsletter that will keep you posted on regular happenings like Employer of the Day as well as special events and opportunities.
Academic Support
UGA’s Office for Student Success and Achievement offers course-specific tutoring, academic coaching, and student success workshops.