MGMT 4800: Internship in Management provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in a professional work setting as part of their academic program in the Management Major at The University of Georgia, Terry College of Business.

The student intern is expected to work a total of 160 hours under the direct supervision of qualified working professionals in order to earn three units of academic credit. Students may enroll for an internship credit during any semester of the year, the internship must be completed during the semester in which enrolled in the course.

Specific internship areas include:

  1. Operations/Supply Chain Management
  2. Human Resource Management
  3. General Management

Each internship is customized to suit the needs of the organization and the student. The Internship is most valuable to the student intern if a variety of duties related to management and leadership are assigned and if the intern is considered a “professional” in training. Students are encouraged to seek internships where they manage projects, facilitate research efforts, plan and implement an event, or coordinate the efforts and tasks of others.

Student Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Internship credit a student must:

  • have been accepted as a Management Major
  • have completed the Management Principles course (MGMT 3000) with a “C” or better
  • have 80 semester hours earned prior to the term in which the internship is scheduled
  • have a minimum 2.70 overall GPA
  • be enrolled in the course the same semester for which credit is received.

Department Policy on Internships

Organizations must meet certain criteria before they can be considered as an internship site:

(1) The organization must be a licensed business, registered non-profit organization, or a division of a public enterprise, operating from a building in an area zoned for business/commercial purposes; (2) the on-site supervisor must have qualifications that are commensurate with his/her role as business professional and mentor. Students may not do an internship which is provided by a relative or in a company owned by a parent or relative.

Students may NOT do an internship in their place of present employment unless they are (1) formally transferred to another department, which is (2) separate from the department in which they are employed, (3) the department is under the direction of a different supervisor, and (4) the internship is directed by a person who is a professional manager. Students may not receive retroactive credit for internship work performed. Academic Honesty All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” Students are responsible for informing themselves about those standards before performing any academic work. Each student is expected to be familiar with the University’s policy regarding academic honesty. In all aspects of the class, you are expected to do your own work.

Requesting an Internship

  1. Select an internship. You are responsible for finding your internship, although it will need to be approved by a Management Department Faculty member to determine whether this internship meets departmental standards (see Department Policy on Internships).
  2. Complete the Management Internship Contract-Student
  3. Send the Management Internship Contract-Supervisor link to your internship direct supervisor
  4. Once both completed/signed contracts have been received, your application will be submitted for review and approval; this may take several day.
  5. If approved, you will be given permission to register for the course (MGMT 4800). You will receive an email from Amber Jacobs confirming the approval. You will not be allowed to register for the course until you receive the approval email.

Without these signed contracts, you will not receive credit for the internship.