Atlas TI: A computer software program used mostly, but not exclusively, in qualitative research or qualitative data analysis.
CAT Scanner: A free Windows-based application for conducting computer-aided text analyses.
DICTION: A text analysis application that uses word lists to search text for qualities of certainty, activity, optimism, realism, and commonality.
LIWC: A text analysis software program that calculates the degree to which people use different categories of words across a wide array of texts, including emails, speeches, poems, or transcribed daily speech.
MAXQDA: A QDA software that supports all individuals performing qualitative data or content analysis by helping to systematically evaluate and interpret textual data.
Nvivo: A QDA software package useful for working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required.
Open Language Chief Executive Personality Tool (OLCPT): The OLCPT is a natural language processing (NLP) application that estimates personality scores of top executives in U.S. public companies based on their speech.
ReCal: Reliability calculation: An online utility that computes intercoder/interrater reliability coefficients for nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio-level data.
Topic Models and Business Analytics: A web app that allows researchers to explore content related to business analytics in healthcare with data ranging from 2007-2020.
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