General Web Resources

Commit to Research with Impact; PhD in Management

Analysis Tools

  • Atlas TI: A computer software program used mostly, but not exclusively, in qualitative research or qualitative data analysis.
  • CAT Scanner: A free Windows-based application for conducting computer-aided text analyses.
  • DICTION: A text analysis application that uses word lists to search text for qualities of certainty, activity, optimism, realism, and commonality.
  • LIWC: A text analysis software program that calculates the degree to which people use different categories of words across a wide array of texts, including emails, speeches, poems, or transcribed daily speech.
  • MAXQDA: A QDA software that supports all individuals performing qualitative data or content analysis by helping to systematically evaluate and interpret textual data.
  • Monkey Learn: Text analysis and machine learning
  • Nvivo: A QDA software package useful for working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required.
  • Open Language Chief Executive Personality Tool (OLCPT): The OLCPT is a natural language processing (NLP) application that estimates personality scores of top executives in U.S. public companies based on their speech.
  • Provalis: A QDA software application suite.
  • ReCal: Reliability calculation: An online utility that computes intercoder/interrater reliability coefficients for nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio-level data.
  • Topic Models and Business Analytics: A web app that allows researchers to explore content related to business analytics in healthcare with data ranging from 2007-2020.



  • Krippendorff, K. 2004. Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology: Sage Publications Inc.
  • Neuendorf, K. A. 2002. The content analysis guidebook: Sage Publications Inc.


  • Andrevski, G., Richard, O. C., Shaw, J. D., & Ferrier, W. J. 2012. Racial diversity and firm performance: The mediating role of competitive intensity. Journal of Management, 44(7): 2909–33.
  • Anglin, A. A., Short, J. C., Drover, W., Stevenson, R., McKenney,, & Allison, T. H. 2018. The power of positivity? The influence of positive psychological capital language on crowdfunding performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 33: 470-492.
  • Anglin, A. A., Wolfe, M., Short, J. C., McKenney, A. M., & Pidduck, R. 2018. Narcissistic rhetoric and crowdfunding performance: A social role theory perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 33: 780-812
  • Callahan, C., Song, R., Shi, W., Veenstra, K. J., & McNamara, G. (2024). A Contingency View of Impression Management: Heterogeneous Investor Responses to CEO Positive Portrayal of Mergers and Acquisitions. Journal of Management Studies.
  • Carroll, C. E. 2009. The relationship between firms’ media favorability and public esteem. Public Relations Journal, 3(4): 1–32.
  • Chi, L., Ravichandran, T., & Andrevski, G. 2010. Information technology, network structure and competitive action. Information Systems Research, 21(3): 543-570.
  • Choudhury, P., Allen, R. T., & Endres, M.G. 2021. Machine learning for pattern discovery in management research. Strategic Management Journal, 42(1): 30-57.
  • Cober, R.T., Brown, D.J., & Levy, P.E. 2004. Form, content, and function: An evaluative methodology for corporate employment web sites. Human Resource Management, 43: 201-218.
  • Corman, S. R., Kuhn, T., McPhee, R. D., & Dooley, K. J. 2002. Studying complex discursive systems. Human Communication Research, 28(2): 157-206.
  • D’Aveni, R. A., & MacMillan, I. C. 1990. Crisis and the content of managerial communications: A Study of the focus of attention of top managers in surviving and failing firms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(4): 634-657.
  • Davies, J., & Joglekar, N. 2013. Supply chain integration, product modularity, and market valuation: Evidence from the solar energy industry. Production and Operations Management.
  • Deephouse, D. L. 1996. Does isomorphism legitimate? The Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 1024–1039.
  • Deephouse, D. 2000. Media reputation as a strategic resource: An integration of mass communication and resource-based theories. Journal of Management, 26(6): 1091-1112.
  • Deephouse, D., & Carter, S. 2005. An Examination of Differences Between Organizational Legitimacy and Organizational Reputation*. Journal of Management Studies, 42(2): 329-360.
  • Dunn, M.B., & Jones, C. 2010. Institutional logics and institutional pluralism: the contestation of care and science logics in medical education, 1967-2005. Administrative Science Quarterly, 55: 114-149.
  • Duriau, V. J., Reger, R. K., & Pfarrer, M. D. 2007. A content analysis of the content analysis literature in organization studies: Research themes, data sources, and methodological refinements. Organizational Research Methods, 10(1): 5-34.
  • Elsbach, K. 1994. Managing organizational legitimacy in the California cattle industry: The construction and effectiveness of verbal accounts. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39(1): 57-88.
  • Etter, M., Colleoni, E., Illia, L., Meggiorin, K., & D’Eugenio, A. 2017. Measuring organizational legitimacy in social media: assessing citizens’ judgments with sentiment analysis. Business & Society, 57(1): 60-97.
  • Fanelli, A., Misangyi, V. F., & Tosi, H. L.,2009. In charisma we trust: The effects of CEO charismatic visions on securities analysts. Organization Science, 20: 1011-1033.
  • Gamache, D. L., McNamara, G. M., Mannor, M. J., & Johnson, R. E. 2015. Motivated to acquire? The impact of CEO regulatory focus on firm acquisitions. Academy Of Management Journal, 58: 1261-1282.
  • Greenwood, R., & Suddaby, R. 2006. Institutional entrepreneurship in mature fields: The big five accounting firms. Academy of Management Journal, 49(1): 27-48.
  • Jones, C., Boxenbaum, E., & Anthony, C. 2013. The immaterial of the material in institutional logics. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 39: 51-75.
  • Jones, C., & Livne-Tarandach, R. 2008. Designing a frame: Rhetorical strategies of architects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29: 1075-1099.
  • Jones, C., Maoret, M., Massa, F. G., & Svejenova, S. 2012. Rebels with a cause: The formation, contestation and expansion of the de novo category Modern Architecture, 1870-1975. Organization Science, 23: 1523-1545.
  • King, B. G. 2008. A political mediation model of corporate response to social movement activism. Administrative Science Quarterly, 53(3): 395-421.
  • Kiyatkin, L., Reger, R. K., & Baum, J. R., 2011. Thought leadership on business and social issues: Why U.S. business schools lag corporations and how they could improve. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Spring, Issue 41.
  • Lamertz, K., & Baum, J. 1998. The legitimacy of organizational downsizing in Canada: An analysis of explanatory media accounts. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15(1): 93-107.
  • Lewins, A.,& Silver, C. 2007. Using software in qualitative research: A step-by-step guide: Sage Publications.
  • Loewenstein, J., Ocasio, W., & Jones, C. 2012. Vocabularies and vocabulary structure: A new approach linking categories, practices, and institutions. Academy of Management Annals, 6: 41–86.
  • Lyles, M. A., & Reger, R. K. 1993. Managing for autonomy in joint ventures: A longitudinal study of upward influence. Journal of Management Studies, 30: 383-404.
  • McKenny, A. F., Anguinis, H., Short, J. C., & Anglin, A. H. In Press. What doesn’t get measured does exist: improving the accuracy of computer-aided text analysis. Journal of Management.
  • McKenny, A. F., Short, J. C., Ketchen, D. J., Payne, G. T., & Moss, T. W. 2018. Strategic entrepreneurial orientation: configurations, performance, and the effect of industry and time. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 12: 504-521.
  • McKenny, A. F., Short, J. C., & Payne, G. T. 2013. Using CATA to elevate constructs in organizational research: validating an organizational-level measure of psychological capital. Organizational Research Methods, 16: 152-184.
  • Meyskens, M., & Carsrud, A. 2011. The role of partnerships in early stage ventures: An exploratory study. Journal of Enterprising Culture.
  • Meyskens, M., & Carsrud, A. 2011. Nascent green-technology ventures: An exploratory study assessing the role of partnership diversity in firm success. Small Business Economics.
  • Meyskens, M., & Paul, K. 2010. The evolution of corporate social reporting practices in Mexico. Journal of Business Ethics, 91(2): 211-227.
  • Meyskens, M., Robb-Post, C., Stamp, J., Carsrud, A., & Reynolds, P. 2010. Social ventures from a resource-based perspective: An exploratory study assessing global Ashoka Fellows. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 34(4): 661-680.
  • Mishina, Y., Pollock, T. G., & Porac, J. F. 2004. Are more resources always better for growth? Resource stickiness in market and product expansion. Strategic Management Journal, 25: 1179-1197.
  • Moss, T., Short, J. C., Payne, G. T., & Lumpkin, G. T. 2011. Dual identities in social ventures: An exploratory study. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 35: 805-830.
  • Palmer, T. B., & Short, J. C. 2008. Mission statements in U.S. colleges of business: An empirical examination of their content with linkages to configurations and performance. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7: 454-470.
  • Park, G,. et al. 2015. Automatic personality assessment through social media language. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(6): 934-952.
  • Payne, G. T., Brigham, K. H., Broberg, J. C., Moss, T. W., & Short, J. C. 2011. Organizational virtue orientation and family firms. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21: 257-285.
  • Payne, G. T., Moore, C. B., Bell, G., Zachary, M. A. 2013. Signaling organizational virtue: An examination of virtue rhetoric, country-level corruption, and performance of foreign IPOs from emerging and developing economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 7(3): 230-251.
  • Pennebaker, J. W., Mehl, M. R., & Niederhoffer, K. G. 2003. Psychological aspects of natural language use: Our words, our selves. Annual Review of Psychology, 54(1): 547-577.
  • Petrenko, O. V., Aime, F., Ridge, J., & Hill, A. 2016. Corporate social responsibility or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 262-279.
  • Petrie, K. J., Pennebaker, J. W., & Sivertsen, B. 2008. Things we said today: A linguistic analysis of the Beatles. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2(4): 1970-202.
  • Pfarrer, M. D., Pollock, T. G., & Rindova, V. P. 2010. A tale of two assets: The effects of firm reputation and celebrity on earnings surprises and investors’ reactions. Academy of Management Journal, 53(5): 1131-1152.
  • Pollock, T., & Rindova, V. 2003. Media legitimation effects in the market for initial public offerings. The Academy of Management Journal, 46: 631-642.
  • Pollock, T., Rindova, V., & Maggitti, P. 2008. Market watch: Information and availability cascades among the media and investors in the US IPO market. The Academy of Management Journal, 51(2): 335-358.
  • Porac, J. F., Wade, J. B., & Pollock, T. G. 1999. Industry categorizations and the politics of the comparable firm in CEO compensation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(1): 112-144.
  • Rindova, V., Dalpiaz, E., & Ravasi, D.2011. A cultural quest: A study of organizational use of new cultural resources in strategy formation. Organization Science, 22(2): 413-431.
  • Rindova, V., Petkova, A., & Kotha, S. 2007. Standing out: How new firms in emerging markets build reputation. Strategic Organization, 5(1): 31-70.
  • Robbins, S. S., & Stylianou, A. C. 2003. Global corporate web sites: An empirical investigation of content and design. Information & Management, 40: 205-212.
  • Roccapriore, A.Y., & Pollock, T.G. 2024. I don’t need a degree, I’ve got abs: Competence, warmth, and the influence of multimode communication on social media. Academy of Management Journal.
  • Short, J. C., Broberg, J. C., Cogliser, C. C., & Brigham, K. H. 2010. Construct Validation Using Computer-Aided Text Analysis (CATA). Organizational Research Methods, 13(2): 320-347.
  • Short, J. C., McKenny, A. F., Reid, S. W., 2018. More than words? Computer-aided text analysis in organizational behavior and psychology research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 5(1): 415-435.
  • Short, J. C., & Palmer, T. B. 2003. Organizational performance referents: An empirical examination of their content and influences. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90: 209-224.
  • Short, J. C., & Palmer, T. B. 2008. The application of DICTION to content analysis research in strategic management. Organizational Research Methods, 11(4): 727-752.
  • Short, J. C., Payne, G. T., Brigham, K., Lumpkin, G. T., & Broberg, C. 2009. Family firms and entrepreneurial orientation in publicly traded firms: A comparative analysis of the S&P 500. Family Business Review, March: 9-24.
  • Sonpar, K., & Golden-Biddle, K. 2008. Using content analysis to elaborate adolescent theories of organization. Organizational Research Methods, 11(4): 795-814.
  • Tetlock, P., Saar-Tsechansky, M., & Macskassy, S. 2008. More than words: quantifying language to measure firms’ fundamentals. Journal of Finance, 63: 1437-1467.
  • Um, C. T., Guo, S. L., Lumineau, F., Shi, W., & Song, R. (2022). The downside of CFO function-based language incongruity. Academy of Management Journal65(6), 1984-2013.
  • Wade, J. B., Porac, J. F., & Pollock, T. G.1997. Worth, words and the justification of executive pay. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18: 641-664.
  • Weber, K. 2005. A toolkit for analyzing corporate cultural toolkits. Poetics, 33: 227-252.
  • Weber, R. P. 1990. Basic content analysis: Sage Publications.
  • Westphal, J. D., & Deephouse, D. L.2011. Avoiding bad press: Interpersonal influence in relations between CEOs and journalists and the consequences for press reporting about firms and their leadership. Organization Science, 22: 1061-1086.
  • Wowak, K.D., Lalor, J.P., Somanchi, S., & Angst, C. M. 2023. Business Analytics in Healthcare: Past, Present, and Future Trends. Journal of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(3): 811-1208.
  • Zachary, M. A., McKenny, A. F., Short, J. C., Davis, K., & Wu, D. 2011. Franchise branding: An organizational identity perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(4): 629-645.
  • Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M. D., Reger, R. K., & Shapiro, D. L. 2012. Managing the message: The effects of firm actions and industry spillovers on media coverage subsequent to wrongdoing. Academy of Management Journal, 55: 1079-1101.
  • Zelner, B. A., Henisz, W. J., & Holburn, G. L. F. 2009. Contentious implementation and retrenchment in neoliberal policy reform: The global electric power industry, 1989–2001. Administrative Science Quarterly, 54(3): 379-412.