Before the spring semester gets too busy, I wanted to take a look back at what we accomplished in 2023. It was another outstanding year for the College as a whole and our faculty as well.  

This fall I sent out a short survey to gauge the impact of our research. Thanks to the many faculty members who participated. 

We continued to excel in 2023, in terms of productivity and impact. Among the 79 faculty who participated in the survey, they reported 180 papers that were accepted or published in Terry’s top journals, 62 of which were with current or former Terry doctoral students. As always, your research continues to build the reputation of the College and University of Georgia as leaders in high-quality, impactful research.

The survey also revealed that 16 Terry faculty currently serve as editors or associate editors at top journals (with many having served past terms) and that our faculty received multiple research awards in the past year.

Below are links to several selected articles provided by faculty. Please have a look at your leisure.

In closing, I’d like to say thank you again and tell you all how much I appreciate all you do for Terry College. 

Michael D. Pfarrer, Ph.D.
Associate Dean and Terry Distinguished Chair of Business Administration

Research Digest Archive


John Campbell

The implications of firms’ derivatives use on the frequency and usefulness of management earnings forecasts
Contemporary Accounting Research

Ted Christensen

Explaining accruals quality over time
Journal of Accounting and Economics         

Ted Christensen and Kristen Valentine

A Simple Approach to Better Distinguish Real Earnings Manipulation from Strategy Changes Contemporary Accounting Research      

Braiden Coleman

Human Versus Machine: A Comparison of Robo-Analyst and Traditional Research Analyst Investment Recommendations
The Accounting Review

Brokerage Relationships and Analyst Forecasts: Evidence from the Protocol for Broker Recruiting
Review of Accounting Studies

Paul Demere  

Is Tax Return Information Useful to Equity Investors?
Review of Accounting Studies

The Usefulness of Corporate Income Tax Accounting: Evidence from Pension Returns
The Accounting Review

Anish Sharma       

Customers’ Response to Firms’ Disclosure of Social Stances: Evidence from Voting Reform Laws
Review of Accounting Studies

Jane Song       

Did FIN 48 improve the mapping between tax expense and future cash taxes?
Review of Accounting Studies

Erin Towery

The role of external regulators in mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from SEC comment letters
Review of Accounting Studies

Kristen Valentine

Public Firm Disclosures and the Market for Innovation
Journal of Accounting and Economics

Ben Whipple

Non-GAAP Earnings and Definite-lived Intangible Asset Allocations in Mergers and Acquisition
The Accounting Review


James  Berry

When Student Incentives Do Not Work: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Malawi
Journal of Development Economics

Brantly Callaway

Treatment effects in interactive fixed effects models with a small number of time periods
Journal of Econometrics

Evaluating Policies Early in a Pandemic: Bounding Policy Effects with Nonrandomly Missing Data
Review of Economics and Statistics

Policy Evaluation during a Pandemic
Journal of Econometrics

Carlina Caetano and Gregorio Caetano

Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

Regression Discontinuity Design with Multivalued Treatments  
Journal of Applied Econometrics

Chris Cornwell and Laura Zimmermann

The Power of Lakshmi: Monetary Incentives for Raising a Girl
Journal of Human Resources

Eli Liebman

Consequences of a Shortage and Rationing: Evidence from a Pediatric Vaccine
Journal of Health Economics

Peter Newberry

Nexus Tax Laws and Economies of Density in E-commerce: A Study of Amazon’s Fulfillment Center Network  

Franchise Contract Regulations and Local Market Structure
Journal of Law and Economics

The Profitability of Revenue-Based Quotas under Price Negotiation
Management Science

Svetlana Pashchneko

Accounting for Social Security Claiming Behavior
International Economic Review

The Lifetime Costs of Bad Health
Review of Economic Studies 

Meghan Skira

The Effects of Nursing Home Specialization in Post-Acute Care
Journal of Health Economics 

Nathan Yoder

Designing Incentives for Heterogeneous Researchers
Journal of Political Economy

Laura Zimmermann 

De Jure versus De Facto transparency: Corruption in local public office in India 
Journal of Public Economics

Legal Studies

Alex Reed

The Title VII Amendments Act: A Proposal
American Business Law Journal

Conciliation Obfuscation
N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation & Public Policy

Religious Organization Staffing Post-Bostock 
Berkeley Journal of Employment & Labor Law

Lindsay Sain Jones    

Investor Driven Climate Accountability
UC Davis Law Review

Unfulfilled Promises of the FinTech Revolution
California Law Review

Lindsay Sain Jones and Tim Samples

On the Systemic Importance of Digital Platforms
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law

Tim Samples

TL;DR: The Law and Linguistics of Social Platform Terms-of-Use
Berkeley Technology Law Journal

Investment Law’s Transparency Gap
Cornell International Law Journal

Promises and Perils of Sovereign Debt Transparency
Yale Journal of International Law


Susan Cohen  

Opening the Aperture: Explaining the Complementary Roles of Advice and Testing When Forming Entrepreneurial Strategy 
Organization Science

Promises and Perils of Sovereign Debt Transparency
Yale Journal of International Law

Daniel Gamache

Shifting perspectives: How scrutiny shapes the relationship between CEO gender and acquisition activity
Strategic Management Journal

Daniel Gamache and James Matusik

Organization-investor fit: The role of temporal preferences in shaping investor attraction and organizational performance
Journal of Applied Psychology

Seung-Hwan Jeong

Nepotism in Family Director Appointments: Evidence from Family Business Groups in South Korea
Academy of Management Journal     

Seung-Hwan Jeong and Son Lam

The Performance Impact of Marketing Dualities: A Response Surface Approach to Resolving Empirical Challenges
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Seung-Hwan Jeong and Tim Quigley

How do Investors Really React to the Appointment of Black CEOs?
Strategic Management Journal

Laura Little

Examining the Role of Maternity Benefit Comparisons and Pregnancy Discrimination in Women’s Turnover Decisions
Personnel Psychology

James Matusik and Jessica Rodell 

The PCMT model of organizational support: Scale development and theoretical application
Journal of Applied Psychology

Fadel Matta

Do intelligent leaders differentiate exchange relationships intelligently? A functional leadership approach to LMX differentiation
Journal of Applied Psychology

Fadel Matta and Jessica Rodell 

What does it cost you to get there? The effects of emotional journeys on daily outcomes
Journal of Applied Psychology

James Matusik

The highs and lows of hierarchy in multiteam systems
Academy of Management Journal

Mike Pfarrer

Creating opportunities: Heuristic reasoning in proactive dynamic capability deployment
Academy of Management Review

The dilemma of managing multiple social evaluations in a crisis    
Academy of Management Review

Better to be loved by some? Flaunting as an impression management strategy
Academy of Management Review

Mike Pfarrer and Jessica Rodell

Continue the story or turn the page? Coworker reactions to inheriting an employee’s legacy
Academy of Management Review

Mary Eve Speach

Everything is negotiable, but not for everyone: The role of disability in compensation
Journal of Applied Psychology

Tim Quigley

The Agency to Implement Voice: How Target Hierarchical Position and Competence Changes the Relationship Between Voice and Individual Performance 
Organization Science

Jessica Rodell 

Daily engagement and productivity: The importance of the speed of engagement
Journal of Applied Psychology          

Management Information Systems

Carolina Alves de Lima Salge and Elena Karahanna

How the Locus of Uncertainty Shapes the Influence of CEO Long-term Compensation on Firm IT Capital Investments       
MIS Quarterly

Mariana Andrade-Rojas

Multilevel Synergy of IT for Operational Integration: Competition Networks and Operating Performance
Production and Operations Management

Mariana Andrade-Rojas and Terence Saldanha

How the Locus of Uncertainty Shapes the Influence of CEO Long-term Compensation on Firm IT Capital Investments       
MIS Quarterly

How IT Overcomes Deficiencies for Innovation in SMEs: Closed Innovation versus Open Innovation
Information Systems Research

Elena Karahanna

Exploring the Impact of Herding Cues in the Presence of Other Information Signals through a Randomized Field Experiment
MIS Quarterly

Elena Karahanna and Xi Zhao

Direct Communication and Two-sided Matching Quality on Digital Platform: A Perspective of Choice Based on Consideration Set
Information Systems Research   

Hani Safadi

Computationally Intensive Theory Construction: A Primer for Authors and Reviewers
MIS Quarterly

Balancing Affordances and Constraints: Designing Enterprise Social Media for Effective Organizational Knowledge Work
MIS Quarterly

The Impact of Feature Exploitation and Exploration on Mobile Application Evolution and Success
Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Terence Saldanha

Resilience in the Open Source Software Community: How Pandemic and Unemployment Shocks Influence Contributions to Others’ and One’s Own Project 
MIS Quarterly

Aaron Schecter

A Robust Inference Method for Decision Making in Networks
MIS Quarterly

The Entrainment of Task Allocation and Release Cycles in Open Source Software Development
MIS Quarterly 

Abdul Sesay

Bureaucratizing the Clan: Impact of Technology Affordances on Control
Journal of Management Information Systems

Amrit Tiwana  and Richard Watson

A Theory of Information Compression: When Judgments are Costly
Information Systems Research

Richard Watson

Sustainable energy transition: Intermittency policy based on digital mirror actions
Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Xia Zhao

Customer Complaint Avoidance: A Randomized Field Experiment Based on Value Co-creation and Appropriation
MIS Quarterly

Platform Compatibility and Developer Multi-homing: A Tradeoff Perspective
MIS Quarterly


Neil Bendle

Beyond Text: Marketing Strategy In A World Turned Upside Down
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Anindita Chakravarty

Influence of Pull Marketing Actions on Marketing Action Effectiveness of Multichannel Firms: A Meta-Analysis
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Marcus Cunha

Consumers’ response to weak unique selling propositions: Implications for optimal product recommendation strategy
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Tari Dagogo-Jack

The moral superiority of temporal (vs. social) comparisons
Journal of Consumer Psychology

Tatiana L Dyachenko

Is Your Sample Truly Mediating? Bayesian Analysis of Heterogeneous Mediation (BAHM)
Journal of Consumer Research         

John Hulland

Marketing Performance Assessment and Accountability: Process and Outcomes
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Scale Use and Abuse: Towards Best Practices in the Deployment of Scales
Journal of Consumer Psychology

John Hulland and Julio Sevilla

The Design Communication Assessment Scale (DCAS): Assessing and Adjusting the Effectiveness of Design Communications
Journal of Marketing Research

Julio Sevilla

The easy addendum effect: When doing more seems less effortful
Journal of Applied Psychology

Symbolically Simple: How Simple Packaging Design Influences Willingness to Pay for Consumable Products
Journal of Marketing

Youngtak Kim, Son Lam and Seung-Hwan Jeong

The Performance Impact of Marketing Dualities: A Response Surface Approach to Resolving Empirical Challenges
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Pengyuan Wang

The Early Impact of GDPR Compliance on Display Advertising: The Case of an Ad Publisher
Journal of Marketing Research

The Cost of Looking Natural: Why the No-Makeup Movement May Fail to Discourage Cosmetic Use
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 

Sarah Whitley

Relational Spending in Funerals: Caring for Others Loved and Lost
Journal of Consumer Psychology

Elham Yazdani and Xia Zhao

Understanding of the Dynamics of Mobile Reading: An HMM Model of User Engagement and Content Consumption
Production and Operations Management 

Risk Management and Insurance

Jim Carson

Are Internal Capital Markets Ex-Post Efficient?
North American Actuarial Journal

Jim Carson and David Eckles

Executive compensation and corporate risk management
Journal of Risk and Insurance