Wharton Research Data Services
The following datasets are available via the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). Databases in WRDS provides a detailed description of particular services or databases. To gain access, please request a WRDS Account. Your account will be authorized by the Terry College of Business WRDS account manager within approximately 48 hours.
Current Subscriptions
- AuditAnalytics
- Bank Regulatory
- Beta Suite by WRDS
- Blockholders
- CBOE Indexes
- Compustat Capital IQ
- Contributed Data
- DMEF Academic Data
- Dow Jones
- Efficient Frontier by WRDS
- Event Study by WRDS
- Eventus
- Fama French & Liquidity Factors
- Federal Reserve Bank
- Financial Ratios Suite by WRDS
- IHS Global Insight
- Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
- Intraday Indicators by WRDS
- Option Metrics
- Option Suite by WRDS
- OTC Markets
- Penn World Tables
- Peters and Taylor Total Q
- ISS Voting Analytics Linking Suite by WRDS
- Macro Finance Society
- Public
- Research Quotient
- SAS Visual Analytics
- SEC Order Execution
- Thomson Reuters
- World Indices by WRDS
- WRDS Backtester
Dewey Data Platform
Dewey is an academic research data platform for accessing data for academic research. It provides access to third-party quantitative and geospatial datasets across a variety of data categories, including behavioral economics, corporate finance, marketing, real estate, public policy, real estate, urban planning, weather, workforce management, marketing, urban planning, behavioral economics, and weather. Featured datasets include SafeGraph, Advan Research, dataplor.
For the full list of data products available at Terry and for more information regarding opening an account and accessing the data, please go to Dewey at UGA.
Thomson Reuters Guidance Datafeed
To replace the discontinued Thomson Reuters First Call Historical Database (FCHD) which is no longer available in WRDS, Terry College has purchased the Thomson Reuters Guidance Datafeed, a feed that offers quantitative (numeric) company expectations from press releases and transcripts of corporate events with First Call and I/B/E/S earnings forecasts.
To access the Thomson Reuters Guidance Datafeed, contact Terry OIT.
SDC Platinum and Other Data Services
In addition, Terry College subscribes to SDC Platinum: Global New Issues / Mergers & Acquisitions. SDC is currently upgrading from an app-based client to a web-based version. Please contact Terry OIT for assistance setting up the web-based server.
Additional Resources
Through UGA Libraries
The UGA Libraries unit also houses over 50 business and economic databases for academic research and instruction.
Through UGA EITS
The Georgia Advanced Computing Resource Center is a collaborative partnership between the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Information Technology.