The J. M. Tull School of Accounting Advisory Board is a valuable resource of feedback, professional insight, talent and support. While the board provides counsel to the Director on issues affecting the school, curricula, programs and employment opportunities of our students, it also engages in and supports the fundraising efforts of the School. The Advisory Board provides key contacts for faculty to inform their research and teaching, and provides input to the Director on the strategic direction and progress of the School.
Membership and Composition
Members of the advisory board are appointed by the director of the J.M. Tull School of Accounting. To qualify as a board member, a nominee must be in a senior position with the authority to speak for his/her organization and commit resources. Although board seats are reserved for individuals and not organizations, consideration for board seats is given to representatives from:
- Large public accounting firms
- Regional and local public accounting firms
- Industry
- Government
- Non-profit entities
- Tull School of Accounting faculty
Board members typically serve three years with terms commencing on July 1. Terms are renewable indefinitely at the discretion of the director.
Board Members
- Mike Anderson, RSM
- George Azih, LeaseQuery, LLC
- Anthony Chalker, Protiviti
- Thomas England, Dixon Hughes Goodman
- Will Herman, Deloitte
- Jeremy Jones, Frazier & Deeter
- Jason Martin, PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Julie McNulty, CohnReznick
- Kip Plowman, Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, LLP
- Carter Posner, Ernst & Young
- Jason Rogers, Grant Thornton
- Tim Seigler, BDO
- Keith Shurbutt, KPMG
- Stephen Wiley, Crowe Horwath
Emeritus Board Members
- Todd Behrend, Ryan
- Tim E. Bentsen, KPMG
- Pamela L. Blackburn, Deloitte
- Warren Carson, KPMG
- John A. Davis, Dixon Hughes Goodman
- Marcus Delouche, Protiviti
- Bill W. Douglas III, Coca-Cola Enterprises
- Robert J. Dumas, TaxConnex
- Jim Estes, Ernst & Young
- Sal Inserra, Crowe Horwath
- Kenneth G. Jackson, Shaw Industries Group
- Timothy A. Keadle, Porter Keadle Moore
- Timothy Kemper, Reznick Group
- William C. Lankford, Jr. , Moore Stephens Tiller
- Dexter Manning, Grant Thornton
- Dwight Mathews, Deloitte
- Rand M. Meyer, KPMG
- John F. Schraudenbach, Ernst & Young
- Charles W. Schulze, Elliott Davis
- Gerald A. Shirk, Georgia-Pacific
- Ken Smith, BDO