Terry Dean’s Advisory Council
The Terry Dean’s Advisory Council (TDAC) is the senior-level task force of volunteers established for the purposes of promoting and improving the College. In particular, members of TDAC advise the Dean of the College, help foster corporate relationships, and participate in or lead activities for the good of the College.
Alumni Board
The Terry College of Business Alumni Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean and faculty of the college to further the goals of continuous improvement in instruction, research, and service and professional activities in business administration. Board members work to promote and support the programs and activities of Terry College in order to cultivate and encourage a continuing affiliation between alumni and the institution.
Young Alumni Board
The Terry College of Business Young Alumni Board exists to bridge the gap between the Terry College student experience and greater alumni network. The board’s mission is to develop initiatives that support the goals of Terry College.
MIS Advisory Board
For over 35 years, the MIS Advisory Board has been the primary point of contact between industry and the Department of MIS. It helps ensure that the MIS curriculum meets the needs of employers, supports cutting-edge research, provides speakers for classes, funds scholarships for outstanding MIS students, and more. It is an invaluable resource for the MIS program at the Terry College of Business.
MMR Advisory Board
The MMR Advisory Board provides strategic guidance to the MMR Program and brings real-world perspective and experience to the faculty and to the classroom. The board includes recognized leaders in marketing research from a broad cross-section of businesses and organizations, including consumer goods companies, marketing research firms, pharmaceutical companies, retailers, financial services providers, and others.
Risk Management & Insurance Program Advisory Board
The Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) Program Advisory Board is a valuable resource of feedback, professional insight, talent and support. While the board provides counsel to the RMI Program Head on issues affecting the program, its curriculum, and employment opportunities of its students, the board also engages in and supports the fundraising efforts of the RMI Program. The board provides key contacts for faculty to inform their research and teaching, and provides input to the RMI Program Head on the strategic direction and progress of the program.
Student Philanthropy Council
The mission of the Student Philanthropy Council (SPC) is to elevate student awareness about the importance of philanthropy at UGA, to educate students on the impact of private giving at our college, and to promote student involvement in philanthropic initiatives at the Terry College.
Supply Chain Advisory Board
The Supply Chain Advisory Board serves as the primary point of contact between industry and Supply Chain professors and students. The Board is run by the top Supply Chain students in the Terry College of Business. It helps ensure that the supply chain curriculum meets the needs of employers, provides speakers for classes, connects employers with talented students, and more.
Tull School Advisory Board
The J. M. Tull School of Accounting Advisory Board is a valuable resource of feedback, professional insight, talent and support. While the board provides counsel to the Director on issues affecting the school, curricula, programs and employment opportunities of our students, it also engages in and supports the fundraising efforts of the School. The Advisory Board provides key contacts for faculty to inform their research and teaching, and provides input to the Director on the strategic direction and progress of the School.