
All students benefit from learning business fundamentals. The business minor gives non-business undergraduates the opportunity to gain a basic understanding of these principles. This academic minor consists of five courses in accounting, economics, finance, management and marketing that provide students with crucial skills to complement their major and broaden their post-graduation opportunities. The minor in business is open to all UGA undergraduates, except those already admitted to a Terry College academic major or who intend to apply to a Terry major.

Application Eligibility Requirements

The minor in business is considered high-demand, and students may only apply for admission upon meeting entrance eligibility requirements. Please note that meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the minor.

If you have questions about whether you meet these eligibility requirements, please email business.minor@uga.edu.

Fulfillment of all application requirements must be documented in official UGA student record by the application deadline — no exceptions.

  • 3.2 UGA cumulative GPA
  • 15 semester hours completed at UGA. In-progress hours cannot be counted.
  • 45 semester hours completed overall at UGA and/or other institutions. In-progress hours cannot be counted.
  • Prerequisite Courses: An eligible ACCT or ECON course must be completed by the application deadline; the other required course must either be completed or be in progress at UGA in the same semester in which a student applies to the minor. Students may use earned AP/IB/transfer credit to satisfy the prerequisite course requirements. All credit — including transient credit — must be posted to your official UGA academic record by the application deadline.
  • Testing Requirements: Students are required to submit ACT or SAT scores and sub-scores to the University prior to being considered for admission to the business minor. In addition to required ACT/SAT scores, students may also supplement their application by submitting a score from the E-Proficiency Profile (formerly known as ETS) if they believe their ACT/SAT scores do not represent their current performance level.
    • If a student has not taken the ACT or SAT, they must take the E-Proficiency Profile (EPP) to be eligible to apply to the business minor.
    • Minor applicants can take the EPP a maximum of three times while a UGA student. Scores from all EPP attempts will be reported directly to the Terry College from UGA Testing Services; the highest EPP score will be considered in a student’s application.
    • IMPORTANT: Applicants should read the detailed Testing Requirement instructions. Only test attempts completed by the application deadline will be considered. The UGA Testing Center has limited appointment availability for testing, especially as the minor application deadline approaches. Please do not delay in scheduling your testing appointment(s). We strongly recommend you schedule appointments early to ensure all testing attempts can be completed before the application deadline.

When to Apply

Students may apply once they meet the eligibility requirements. Applications will be accepted twice per year: once near the midpoint of the fall semester and once near the midpoint of the spring semester. No application will be accepted outside the application window.

Application CycleApplication OpensApplication Closes
Spring 2025February 24, 2025March 17, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Fall 2025September 29, 2025October 20, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Minor Admissions Criteria

An applicant’s major, grades in accounting and economics, and test scores will be used in the selection process.

Completing the Minor

Only students who apply and are accepted to the minor are eligible to have the business minor listed on their university record. If a student is accepted to the minor and at any point decides to become a business major, they must drop the business minor. Terry College majors and intended majors are not eligible for the minor.

The minor requires 15 credit hours of courses in economics, accounting, finance, marketing and management. Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all coursework to earn the minor. All Business Foundations coursework (FINA, MARK, and MGMT 3001) used to complete the minor must be earned from the University of Georgia to satisfy the minor residency requirement. The online (E) and Honors (H) versions of these courses will also be accepted. Note that the availability of online and Honors sections is limited, and an Honors options is not available for the 3001 courses at this time. Students should allow for 2–3 semesters after admission to complete the 3001 courses.

  1. Accounting Requirement (3 hours):
    ACCT 1160: Survey of Accounting (3 hours)
    ACCT 2101: Principles of Accounting I (3 hours)
  2. Economics Requirement (3 hours):
    ECON 2105*: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 hours)
    ECON 2106*: Principles of Microeconomics (3 hours)
  3. Business Foundations (9 hours — courses must be taken at UGA**; only available to admitted minor students):
    FINA 3001: Financial Management (3 hours)
    MARK 3001: Principles of Marketing (3 hours)
    MGMT 3001: Principles of Management (3 hours)

*Accepted business minor students may use earned credit in ECON 2105 or ECON 2106 toward the minor. However, if these courses were previously used to satisfy Areas V Social Sciences requirements, students should consult with their academic advisor to determine if they need to take another eligible Area V course to replace ECON 2105/2106. Per the UGA Bulletin, courses taken to satisfy Core Areas I through V may not be counted as coursework in a minor.

**Equivalent courses completed through a non-UGA study abroad program will not be accepted (for example, credit for MARK 3000 earned through the University of New Orleans study abroad program in Innsbruck, Austria, cannot count).


Terry College Undergraduate Programs Office


Frequently Asked Questions