Georgia’s Financial Transactions industry is growing. This certificate provides students with educational opportunities and access to the high-demand career field of FinTech. It includes topics in information systems, business processes management, information security management, and legal issues relevant to the financial services industry.


Currently enrolled undergraduate UGA students who have a minimum cumulative (UGA) GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply.


This certificate requires students to complete 12 course hours with a minimum grade of C (2.0) in those courses. Please refer to the UGA bulletin for prerequisite courses.

*To receive internship credit (MIST 4803), students must obtain approval from the MIS department by completing the internship approval form before starting an internship. Internship forms should be submitted to the MIS department.

*Substitutions for MIST 4803 can be approved by the department in situations where deemed necessary. The substitution must be related to the goals of the FinTech Certificate and should only be offered in very unique situations.

How to Apply

  1. Be sure you meet the eligibility requirements.
  2. Complete the online application.
  3. Complete the essay question (part of the online application).
    “Why are you applying to the Certificate in FinTech?” Please describe your motivation, career aspirations or anything else relevant to your interest in the program in 150 words or less.

Application Periods

  • September 1 – October 1
  • February 1 – March 1

Notification of acceptance will be emailed approximately 2 weeks after each deadline.

Departments and Program Offices

Department of Management Information Systems

Headshot of Katherine Evans
  • Department Advisor, Department of Management Information Systems
Headshot of Robert Trotter
  • Director of FinTech Program and Lecturer, Department of Management Information Systems
  • Associate Director of Industry Partnerships, M. Douglas & V. Kay Ivester Institute for Business Analytics and Insights