Applications for the certificate program are open!


The UGA Entrepreneurship Certificate Program prepares students to become successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in private, public and nonprofit sectors. It is also an invaluable learning opportunity for those interested in founding a startup, a nonprofit, or in pursuing investment banking or angel funding.

The certificate is a campus-wide program open to UGA undergraduate students from ALL majors. It provides an in-depth look at what it takes to develop an idea into a successful venture including how to build an effective team and how to secure funding.

Undergraduate Certificate

The Undergraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship is open to all UGA undergraduate majors who have completed at least 30 credit hours and earned a cumulative UGA GPA of a 3.0 or higher. The certificate takes 15 credit hours to complete and is typically fulfilled within two years — please allow 3 semesters to fulfill the ENTR core courses.

Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship is open to all UGA graduate students and provides the opportunity to develop skills necessary to launch and grow businesses and social enterprises. It is also an invaluable learning opportunity for those interested in working for a startup or nonprofit or pursuing investment banking and angel funding. Graduate students are required to complete 2 of 3 ENTR courses, one must be ENTR 7500 – Intro to Entrepreneurship.

For any questions, please contact us at


The UGA Entrepreneurship Certificate Program is open to all UGA students, graduates and undergraduates, with 30 credit hours and a 3.0 cumulative UGA GPA.

Deadlines + Decisions

SemesterApplication OpensApplication Deadline
FallSeptember 1October 1
SpringFebruary 1March 1

Accepted students will be notified via UGA email approximately two weeks after the deadline.


Fifteen hours of approved coursework are required to complete the certificate. Please allow 3 semesters to complete the program. Courses must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or higher. Elective hours can be applied toward the certificate and graduation requirements as appropriate for each major/minor. Application and acceptance to the program are also required.