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- College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- College of Environment and Design
- College of Family and Consumer Sciences
- College of Public Health
- Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
- Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Odum School of Ecology
- School of Law
- School of Social Work
- Terry College of Business
- Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
- Other Courses
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
- AAEC 3010: Farm Organization and Management
- AAEC 3040: Agribusiness Marketing
- AAEC 3100: Food and Fiber Marketing
- AAEC 3200: Selling in Agribusiness
- AAEC 3690: Agribusiness Finance
- AAEC 3980/3980E: Introduction to Agribusiness Management
- AAEC 4980: Agribusiness Management
- AESC 2050: Effects of Global Agriculture on World Culture
- AGCM 2200: Communicating in Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
- AGCM 4200S: Interactive Web Strategies
- ALDR 3900S: Leadership & Service
- ALDR 4540: Advanced Leadership Theories, Ethics, & Culture
- ENVM 4380: Environmental Management & Sustainable Business Practices
- HORT 4091: Horticultural Professional Practices
College of Education
- KINS 3420: Managing the Legal Aspects of Sport
- KINS 4810/4810E/6810E: Sports Marketing
- KINS 4830: Sport Policy and Governance
- KINS 4840: Sport Event Management
- KINS 5210/7210: Sport and the Mass Media
College of Engineering
- CVLE 3730/3730E: Civil Engineering Project Management
- CSEE 2210: Introduction to Computer Systems Engineering II
- ELEE 4545: Engineering Entrepreneurship
- ENGR 2110: Engineering Decision Making
- ENVE 4530/6530: Energy & Environmental Policy Analysis
- ENVE 3520: Engineering Economics and Management
- MCHE 3920: Manufacturing and Design Studio
- MCHE 4650/6650: HVAC Systems for Buildings & Industry
College of Environment and Design
- LAND 1500/1500E: Design and the Environment
- LAND 2310: Introduction to Sustainability
- LAND 4710/6710: Professional Practice
- LAND 4730/6730: Issues and Practices in Sustainable Design
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
- FHCE 3110: Money Skills for Life
- FHCE 3200/3200E: Introduction to Personal Finance
- FHCE 3250/3250E: Survey of Financial Planning
- FHCE 3350: Introduction to Residential Property Management
- FHCE 4010/6010: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
- FHCE 4011/6011: Social Entrepreneurship: Strategic Storytelling
- FHCE4051/6051: Social Entrepreneurship: Social Impact Communication
- FHCE 4250: Practice Management in Financial Planning
- FHCE 5011/7011: Social Entrepreneurship Capstone
Human Development and Family Science
- HDFS 3110: Professional Development/Community Activities Course
- HDFS 4330: Diversity in Human Development and Family Systems
- HDFS 5150/5150S/7150/7150S: Family, Schools and Communities
Nutritional Sciences
- NUTR 2100/2100E/2100H: Human Nutrition and Food
- NUTR 3610: Quantity Food Production
- NUTR 4610/6610: Food Service Procurement and Financial Management
- NUTR 4620/6620: Management of Food Service Organizations
- NUTR 4640/4640E/6640/6640E: Food Sanitation and Safety
- NUTR 4645/6645: Functional and Nutritional Properties of Food
- NUTR 4650/6650: Experimental Study of Foods
Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors
- TXMI 3010: Retail Development in Ghana: An Entrepreneurial Case Study
- TXMI 4260: Global Sourcing and Logistics
- TXMI 5280: Retail Entrepreneurship
- TXMI 4160/6160: Product Development in Textiles & Apparel Industries
- TXMI 4320/6320: Professional Practices in Residential Design
- TXMI 5720/7720: Social Entrepreneurship & Product Development in Ghana
College of Public Health
- HPAM 3500/3500E: Introduction to Healthcare Management
- HPAM 3600/3600E: Introduction to Health Policy
- HPAM 4300/4300E: Introduction to Healthcare Administration
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
African American Studies
- PSYC (AFAM) 2150/2150E: Understanding Cultural Diversity
- SOCI (AFAM) 3310: Race and Culture
- COMM (AFAM) 3820: Interracial Communication
- PSYC (AFAM) 4500/4500E/6500/6500E: Psychology of Prejudice
- AFAM 4000S/6000S: Service Learning and Community Engagement
Communication Studies
- COMM 1110: Introduction to Public Speaking
- COMM 1500/1500E: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 1800: Cultural Diversity in Communication
- COMM 2520/2520E: Introduction to Interviewing
- COMM 3200/3200EO: Business and Professional Communication
- COMM 3500: Interpersonal Communication Theory
- COMM 3520: Persuasion
- COMM 3600/3600S: Small Group Communication
- COMM 4510/6510: Nonverbal Communication
Comparative Literature
Computer Science
- CSCI 1301/1301L: Introduction to Computing and Programming
- CSCI 1302: Software Development
- CSCI 4050/4050E/6050/6050E: Software Engineering
- CSCI 4370/6370: Database Management
- GEOG 3620: Economic Geography
- GEOG 3630/3630E: Urban Geography
- GEOG 3990: Internship
- GEOG 4370(L, E)/6370(L, E): Principles and Applications of GIS
- HIST 3120: History of American Business
- HIST 3160/3160H: Worlds Apart – China in the Early Mod. World Economy
- HIST 3710: The Atlanta World 1450 – 1750
- HIST 3711: The Atlanta World 1750 – 1900
- HIST 4025/6025: American Material Culture
- HIST 4029/6029: Capitalism in Modern America
- HIST 4066/4066H/6066: American Medicine 1865-present
- HIST 4393: Eighteenth Century Empire and Political Economy
Marine Sciences
- SOCI 2420: Class, Status, Power
- SOCI 2730: Social Interaction
- SOCI 3290: Gender and Work
- SOCI 3730: Social Psychology
- SOCI 3750: Work and Industry
- SOCI 3940: Sociology of Leadership
- SOCI 3950: Sociology of Organizations
- SOCI 4350: Seminar in Work and Occupations
- SOCI 4740/4740W: Gender and Interaction
Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Advertising and Public Relations
- ADPR 5710: Advertising & Communication Management
- ADPR 5910: Public Relations Administration
- ADPR 5750/5750E/7750/7750E: Social Media Analysis, Listening and Engagement
- ADPR 5760/5760E/7760/7760E: Digital and Social Communication Strategies
Entertainment and Media Studies
Odum School of Ecology
- ECOL 3100/3100L: Topical Field Ecology
- ECOL 3530/3530E: Conservative Biology
- ECOL 4220/6220: Foundations of Restoration Ecology
- ECOL 4900S: Environmental Practicum
- ECOL 4940: Internship in Ecology
School of Law
School of Social Work
Terry College of Business
- ENTR 5000/7000: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
- ENTR 5090/7090: Design Thinking
- ENTR 5320/5320S/7320/7320S: Innovative Business Projects
- ENTR 5510/7510: Developing Successful Business Plans
- ENTR 5520/7520: Implementing New Venture Plans
- ENTR 5430/7430: Franchising
- ENTR 5990/7990: Directed Study in Entrepreneurship
- FINA 4050/4050E: Capitalism
- FINA 4200: Corporate Finance Theory
- FINA 4201: Corporate Finance and Valuation for Non-Finance Majors
Legal Studies
- LEGL 2700/2700E/2800H: Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
- LEGL 4600/6600: Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems
- MGMT 4000/4000E: Operations Management
- MGMT 5560/5560E/5560S: Strategic Management
- MGMT 5820: Human Resource Management
- MGMT 5920/5920E: Organizational Behavior
Management Information Systems
- MARK 4000/4000E/4000H: Marketing Research for Business Decisions
- MARK 4450/4450E: Social Media Marketing Strategy
- MARK 4600/4600E: Integrated Marketing and Brand Communication
- MARK 4650/4650E/4650S: Digital Marketing Analytics
Music Business
Real Estate
Risk Management and Insurance
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
- FORS 5720/5720L/7720/7720L: Forest Harvesting and Roads
- FORS 5750/7750: Wood Procurement
- FORS 4700/4700L/6700/6700L: Forest Economics
- FORS (ECOL) (GEOG) 4250/6250: International Forest Management
- FISH (ECOL) (MARS) 4550/4550L (6550/6550L): Conservation Aquaculture
- PRTM 4400/6600: Park Management
- PRTM 5010/7010: Entrepreneurship in Recreation and Tourism
- PRTM 5700/7700: Community Tourism: Impacts, Planning, & Management
- PRTM 5900/7900: Ecotourism & Sustainable Development