Undergraduate engineering students can earn their Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree and an MBA in five years through this Double Dawgs program. This curricular combination provides graduating students the business skills needed for professional advancement and career success. Interested engineering students should apply to the MBA program during their junior year.
Years 1–3
Undergraduate and Engineering courses
Year 4
Engineering courses and MBA (6 credits) coursework
Year 5
MBA requirements (30 credits)
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (3)
- MARK 7510: Marketing Management (3)
- BUSN 7900: Strategy Execution and Career Success (1–3)
- MGMT 7120: Operations Management II (1.5–3)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (1.5–3)
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior (3)
- ECON 7010: Economic Analysis for Business Leaders (3)
- Statistics of Business Intelligence
- Capstone Project Course: Lean Six Sigma, Innovative Business Projects, or Consulting Projects elective
For more information about the requirements for each major, students should consult with their Engineering advisor. The MBA/Engineering dual degree is available through the Double Dawgs program. Contact the Full-Time MBA Admissions Office for more information about the MBA program.
JD/MBA (4 Year)
Students complete the core curriculum at the law school in year one followed by an additional year of legal study before beginning the MBA curriculum in year three. In the final year of study, courses are drawn from both programs. We recommend candidates begin study at the law school and apply to Terry in the fall of their second year. Interested candidates must apply separately to the MBA program and the UGA School of Law.
Year 1
JD courses (31 credits)
- School of Law core (15.5)
- School of Law core (16.5)
Year 2
JD courses (30–31 credits)
Year 3
MBA courses (35 credits)
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (3)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (3)
- MARK 7150: Marketing Management (3)
- ECON 7910: Business Microeconomics (1.5)
- BUSN 7990: Succeeding in the MBA Job Search (2)
- Operations Management (3)
- Strategic Management (3)
- MBA elective (9)
Year 4
JD (13–14 credits) and MBA (13 credits) courses
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (continued)
- FINA 7010: Financial Accounting (continued)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (continued)
- ECON 7910: Business Macroeconomics (1.5)
- BUSN 7990: Succeeding in the MBA Job Search (continued)
- ENTR 7320: Innovative Business Projects (3)
- BUSN 7990: Volunteer/Community Service (1)
- JD elective (1)
- MBA electives (6)
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (continued)
- MIST 7600: Data Analytics (3)
- MBA electives (continued)
- JD elective (12 or 13)
As part of their coursework, JD students must satisfy the School of Law’s writing requirements (including the advanced writing and the capstone writing requirements) and take at least one practical skills course, as more fully described in the School of Law student handbook. Corporations and Law and Ethics are recommended in Year 2 as JD electives. Please visit the School of Law website.
JD/MBA (3 Year)
Students complete the core curriculum at the law school in year one, followed by MBA study at Terry in year two, and conclude with a year of content drawn from both programs. We recommend candidates begin study at the law school and apply to Terry in the fall of their first year. Interested candidates must apply separately to the MBA program and the UGA School of Law.
Year 1
JD courses (31 credits)
- School of Law Core (16)
- School of Law Core (12)
- JURI 4210: Corporations (3)
Year 2
MBA (31 credits) and JD (12 credits) courses
Fall 1
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (3)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (2-3)
- MARK 7510: Marketing Management (3)
- ECON 7910: Business Microeconomics (1.5)
- BUSN 7990: Succeeding in the MBA Job Search (2)
- JD elective (3)
Fall 2
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (continued)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (continued)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (continued)
- ECON 7920: Business Macroeconomics (1.5)
- BUSN 7990: Succeeding in the MBA Job Search (continued)
- JD elective (continued)
Spring 1
- MGMT 7120: Operations Management (3)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (3)
- MBA electives (6)
- Cross-credit elective* (3)
Spring 2
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (continued)
- MBA electives (continued)
- Cross-credit elective* (continued)
Year 3
JD (27 credits) and MBA (7 credits) courses
- ENTR 7320: Innovative Business Products (3)
- JURI 4300: Law and Ethics (3)
- MIST 7600: Data Analytics (3)
- BUSN 7990: Volunteer/Community Service (1)
- JD electives (24)
* Denotes cross-credit courses for JD/MBA dual degree students. Elective courses eligible for cross-credit are Anatomy of an M&A Deal, Antitrust, Banking Regulation, Bankruptcy, Business Ethics, Business Negotiations, Corporate Finance, Deals, Employment Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property Survey, Life Cycle of a Corporation, Payment Systems, Real Estate Development, Real Estate Transactions, Secured Transactions, Securities Regulation, Trusts and Estates.
As part of their coursework, JD students must satisfy the School of Law’s writing requirements (including the advanced writing and the capstone writing requirements) and take at least one practical skills course, as more fully described in the School of Law student handbook. Please visit the School of Law website. Some jurisdictions, including New York, impose additional credit requirements for the bar exam. If a student plans to take the bar exam in a jurisdiction other than Georgia, the student needs to contact that jurisdiction as early as possible in the student’s educational program to determine the precise requirements to sit for the bar exam and confer with the Director of Dual Degree Programs at the law school.
Graduates of foreign law schools may learn U.S. law and earn an MBA in two years. Students complete one year at the law school and one year at Terry. Interested candidates must apply separately to the Georgia MBA Program and the University of Georgia School of Law.
Year 1
- Orientation
- Legal System of the United States (2)
- Legal Writing & Research (3)
- Law electives (7-8)
Law electives (13–14 credits)
Year 2
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (3)
- ECON 7010: Economic Analysis for Business Leaders (3)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (2–3)
- MARK 7510: Marketing Management (3)
- BUSN 7990: Communications for Career Effectiveness (1–9)
MD students enrolled at any accredited U.S. medical school may elect to pursue an MBA with an additional academic year of coursework at Georgia during their medical studies. The PharmD/MBA dual degree prepares Doctor of Pharmacy students to meet the challenges of competing in a global environment. The program is open to students enrolled in the UGA College of Pharmacy and enables doctoral students to complete both programs in five years.
One Year
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (3)
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics (2–3)
- MARK 7510: Marketing Management (3)
- BUSN 7990: Communications for Career Effectiveness (3)
- Statistics (3)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (3)
- MGMT 7120: Operations Management II (3)
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior (3)
- MIST 7770: Business Intelligence and Analytics (3)
- Capstone Course (3)
- Elective (3)
Interested MD students should apply to the MBA Program during the fall term in the year before they begin their MBA coursework. Interested PharmD candidates will apply to the MBA program during their second year of doctoral studies and attend the MBA program during Year Three.
The University of Georgia’s STEM-certified MBA-MSBA Track offers the best of both worlds by combining our Full-Time MBA and Master of Science in Business Analytics programs. This program equips you with a robust understanding of business administration, cutting-edge analytics, and highly desirable soft skills while providing the flexibility to complete both degrees in an accelerated timeframe of two years. Additionally, with the added benefits of STEM certification, merit aid opportunities, and eligibility for an extended Optional Practical Training (OPT) period of up to three years, this track sets the stage for a successful and impactful career.
Applicants interested in the STEM-certified MBA-MSBA Track should apply through the Full-Time MBA application. To be considered, applicants should meet the same admission requirements as the Full-Time MBA and have a demonstrated interest in analytics.
Year 1 (MBA)
Fall (18 credits)
- MARK 7150: Marketing Management
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior
- BUSN 7100: Applied Business Statistics
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting
- FINA 7010: Financial Management
- BUSN 7990: Strategy Execution and Career Success
Spring (15–18 credits)
- ECON 7010: Economic Analysis for Business Leaders
- MGMT 7120: Operations and Supply Chain Management
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management
- MIST 7600 or MIST 7770: Data Management and Analytics or Business Intelligence
- MBA Capstone Project
- INTB 7100 (optional 1st or 2nd year): International Residency or Elective
Year 2 (MSBA/MBA)
Fall (15–18 credits)
- ECON 7710: Intro to Causal Inference
- ECON 7720: Machine Learning and Prediction
- BUSN 7950: MBA Career Progression (2 cr)
- LEGL 7010: Legal Regulatory Environment
- MIST 7600 or MIST 7770: Data Management and Analytics or Business Intelligence
- Elective
Spring (15–18 credits)
Candidates who wish to work at the intersection of public health and business can earn a Master’s in Public Health and an MBA in three years. Students complete a full year in the MPH program, followed by a year in the MBA program, and finish with a year of content from both programs. We recommend students start the MPH program first and apply to Terry at the end of their first semester.
Note: Only MPH students pursuing the Health Policy and Management concentration are eligible for the MBA/MPH dual degree.
Year 1
- HPAM 7001: Foundations in Health Policy & Management (1)
- BIOS 7010: Introduction to Biostatistics I (Cross Count Course) (3)
- EHSC 7010: Fundamentals of Environmental Health (3)
- EPID 7010: Introduction to Epidemiology I (3)
- HPAM 7010: Introduction to Health Policy & Management (3)
- HPRB 7010: Social/Behavioral Foundations of Public Health (1)
- HPAM 7400: Policy Analysis in Public Health (3)
- HPAM 7600: Health Economics I (3)
- HPAM 7700: Management of Public Health Organizations (3)
- PBHL 7460: Professional Seminar (1)
- PBHL 7560: APE Advisement (2-6)
Optional MPH elective
- Any HPAM, DMAN, GRNT or GLOB course
Year 2
- ACCT 6000: Financial Accounting (HPAM elective) (3)
- ECON 7910: Micro Economics (1–3)
- ECON 7920: Macro Economics (1–3)
- FINA 7010: Financial Management (HPAM elective) (3)
- MARK 7510: Marketing Management (HPAM elective) (1.5–3)
- BUSN 7990: Success in Job Search (1-9)
- MGMT 7400: Strategic Management (1.5–3)
- MGMT 7120: Operations Management (1.5–3)
- MGMT 7050: Organizational Behavior (3)
- BUSN 7900: Communication Tools for Career Effectiveness (1–3)
- BUSN 7800: Business Internship
Year 3
- HPAM 7500: Organizational Theory and Behavior (3)
- ENTR 7320: Innovation Project (3) or MBA elective
- MBA elective (2)
Dual degree offerings between the Full-Time MBA program and other degree programs at the University of Georgia allow students to pursue an academic combination tailored to their career goals. You must apply to each program separately for admission.