The Terry Executive MBA is a smart investment. We make it even smarter.

By investing in your career through one of the most highly ranked and distinguished EMBA programs in the United States, you’re making a wise investment. The Executive MBA Program is currently ranked the #1 EMBA Program in Georgia and #6 among U.S. Public Institutions by Fortune.

Tuition and Fees

The Executive MBA total program cost for in-state and out-of-state residents is $76,619*. Tuition rates subject to Board of Regents approval.

Your investment includes:

  • University of Georgia tuition and mandatory student fees
  • Lifelong career services
  • Individual executive coaching sessions
  • Leadership assessments and seminars
  • Capstone Simulation
  • Lunch during class sessions
  • Two one-week Athens campus residencies excluding some meals and personal incidentals
  • International residency excluding some meals, personal incidentals, and round-trip airfare to/from U.S. to an international destination as well as any applicable visa costs.
  • Cocurricular activities and special events

Note: Students are not charged for parking during class sessions or scheduled program events.

Payment Structure

Estimated Payment Deadline*SemesterEMBA ModulesCoursesTuition Payment
August–September 2025Fall 2025Modules 1 & 2Organizational Behavior and Leadership (Athens residency)
Leading Evolving Organizations
Analytical Tools for Decision Making
Includes $1,000 seat deposit
January 2026Spring 2026Modules 3 & 4Financial Accounting and Reporting
Economic Analysis for Business Leaders
Managerial Finance
Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
June 2026Summer 2026Modules 5 & 6International Residency
August 2026Fall 2026Modules 7 & 8Operations Management
Information Technology and Strategy
Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation
Marketing Management
January 2027Spring 2027Modules 9 & 10Strategic Management
Human Resource Management
Executive Capstone
Tuition rates subject to Board of Regents approval.

A non-refundable $1,000 commitment deposit is required to reserve your seat and enroll in the program prior to the fall 2025 semester. The non-refundable commitment deposit is applied to your first tuition payment.

Your tuition payment deadline is determined by the date you register for classes. Fall 2025 class registration for Executive MBA students will open on/around August 12. You can review the payment deadlines at the UGA Bursar website.

University System of Georgia employees: The University of Georgia Executive MBA program is not eligible for TAP (tuition assistance program) because it is considered an executive total cost graduate school program. You can read more on the USG TAP policy.

Course Materials

Students will be notified prior to each module about the course materials they will need for each class, as well as how to purchase specific materials. Students are responsible for purchasing materials (textbooks, case studies, etc.) and can expect to spend between $2,000–$2,500 over the duration of the program.

How to pay for the University of Georgia Executive MBA Program

Payment Options

Students pay their tuition directly to the University of Georgia. UGA provides a full array of payment options.

Coordinating with Your Employer

If your company contributes to the cost of your degree, we make it easy. The University of Georgia can bill your company directly for your tuition and fees or provide tuition receipts and grade letters for company reimbursement. Employees/Employers will follow the payment instructions under the Third Party Billing (Sponsored Billing) section. A billing authorization from the student’s sponsor should be received at least one week prior to the payment deadline.

If you’d like to request or make a case for corporate sponsorship from your employer, here are some points you can emphasize.

  • Our curriculum is designed to immerse students in a variety of business-critical areas: organizational behavior, accounting, finance, legal, marketing, negotiations, HR, entrepreneurship, international business, etc.
  • The diversity of our program and the wide range of industries and jobs represented in the student population.
  • Terry alumni network of 75K+ and UGA alumni network of 300K+
  • Faculty made up of the best academic research leaders mixed with industry experts.
  • Class delivery approach is 50% classroom instruction and 50% distance learning.
  • Opportunity to earn certificates in Workforce Diversity, Leading Change, and/or a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
  • Ability to come back and audit Atlanta-based MBA courses after graduating.
  • Discount for certain UGA Terry Executive Education non-degree programs.
  • Variety of speaker series and events during and after your time as a student.
  • Tuition payments fall across 3 budget years.
  • Both immersive residency weeks and international residency are included in tuition.
  • FORTUNE ranked UGA’s EMBA program #1 in Georgia and #6 among U.S. public business school programs.

Financial Aid

Many Executive MBA students take advantage of federal and /or private student loan programs. Learn more about your options and how to apply from our Office of Student Financial Aid.

Scholarship Awards

The Executive MBA Program offers a limited number of scholarship awards for select candidates. All candidates who submit an application are considered for scholarship opportunities — no additional paperwork is required. Competitive selection means we give preference to early applicants. The number of awards, available scholarship funds, and selection criteria vary from year to year. Usually, we base awards for candidates on:

  • Non-profit or government sector employment
  • Entrepreneurs/Small business owners
  • Women executives
  • Armed Forces

Other Scholarships

Additional scholarship opportunities can be identified through Scholarship Universe — a scholarship matching system that maximizes opportunities for students.