We want people who want to lead. Now.

Are you ready to achieve your full potential as a leader?

We’ve designed our EMBA with an overarching theme of leadership development within today’s global marketplace. Our students apply what they learn to real-world challenges for immediate ROI.

Do you want to expand your network?

We accept only the best in our program. When you connect with Terry, you connect with a network of dedicated, experienced business leaders. You’ll get where you want to go faster.

Do you need to balance work and life with your MBA?

Our blended delivery model—a mix of in-person and distance learning offers — the right flexibility. Our students continue to work full-time as they pursue their degree through the Executive MBA program.

Yes, yes, and yes? Then, you might be right for our Executive MBA.

Preliminary Evaluations

To request a preliminary evaluation, submit your resume. We offer preliminary evaluations to confirm your fit for the program. You will receive feedback from the admissions committee within 10 business days.

Please contact admissions at emba@uga.edu or 404-842-4849 if you have questions.