Current undergraduate accounting majors at UGA are eligible to apply to the Double Dawg BBA/MAcc program during their senior year. Due to the sensitive timing of the program structure, careful coordination and advisement is necessary. Students may have a maximum of six undergraduate credit hours remaining to be completed alongside their graduate coursework after being admitted to the Double Dawg BBA/MAcc program.
Program Structure
Although specific coursework and hours vary according to your specialization (see below), the MAcc program generally follows this structure:
- Required Courses: 18 hours
- Accounting Electives: 3-9 hours
- Electives: 3-9 hours
To be considered, students must have completed the first two semesters of the BBA Accounting program, including:
- ACCT 5000: Intermediate I
- ACCT 5010: Intermediate II
- ACCT 5310: Accounting Information Systems and Data Analytics
- ACCT 5400: Tax I
Co-requisites to complete the BBA/MAcc:
- ACCT 5020: Intermediate III
- ACCT 5200: Audit I*
- ACCT 5310: Systems I
* Students planning to do the audit or advisory track in the MAcc Program are strongly encouraged to have completed Audit before beginning MAcc courses.
Students can choose one of three specializations: audit, taxation, or advisory.
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