Ted Christensen, director of the J.M. Tull School of Accounting who holds a Terry Distinguished Chair of Business Administration, was named a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council. FASAC advises the Financial Accounting Standards Board on strategic and technical issues, project priorities, and other matters that affect standard setting. FASAC members are appointed to a one-year term and are eligible to be reappointed for three additional one-year terms.
Assistant professor of finance Kayla Freeman’s paper “The Economics of Trade Credit: Risk and Power,” won the 2019 award for Best Paper in Corporate Finance at the Financial Management Association annual meeting. The award is sponsored by Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.
Elena Karahanna, the L. Edmund Rast Professor of Business and a UGA Distinguished Research Professor, won the best theory paper at the International Conference on Information Systems. Her paper, “Tension Resolution and Sustaining Knowledge Flows in Online Communities,” explores social norms and best practices necessary for online forums to be sustainable and beneficial in health care settings.
Marty Parker, a lecturer in the Department of Management, is the recipient of the 2020 Lee Anne Seawell Faculty Recognition Award from the University of Georgia Career Center. The award recognizes faculty members who positively influence student career development. He teaches students in the supply chain management program and created the Supply Chain Advisory Board, a student-administered organization that works with 20 member companies to improve course curriculum.
Tim Samples, associate professor of legal studies, is one of three UGA faculty members to receive the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, the university’s highest early career teaching honor. Samples was previously chosen to be a fellow of the UGA Teaching Academy and later was named a Lilly Teaching Fellow by the Center for Teaching and Learning at UGA. He has been honored as one of Terry’s Outstanding Teaching Faculty and received the Core Fulbright U.S. Teaching Scholar grant to conduct research in Argentina.
Mike Schuster, assistant professor of legal studies, won the Junior Scholar Award at the 65th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business. The award recognizes a member of the academy whose career shows exceptional promise based on their early accomplishments. He also won the Best Proceedings Paper at the conference for “An Empirical Study of Patent Grant Rate as a Function of Race and Gender.”
Peter Shedd received the University of Georgia 2020 Faculty Service Award, presented by the Alumni Association to current or former faculty or staff who demonstrated loyalty and service to UGA through outstanding leadership in higher education. He is the University Professor Emeritus of Legal Studies and received his undergraduate degree from Terry in 1974 and a JD degree from UGA law school in 1977.
Robert Vandenberg, the Robert O. Arnold Professor of Business and head of the Department of Management, was elected to the Fellows Group of the Academy of Management, the leading professional group for management and organization scholars. AOM fellowship recognizes members of the Academy of Management who made significant contributions to the science and practice of management. Vandenberg is the fifth individual from UGA to be inducted into the Fellows Group since its founding.