Elena Karahanna
- C.Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Distinguished Chair of Business Administration, UGA Distinguished Research Professor and Professor, Department of Management Information Systems
C413 Benson Hall
- PhD, MIS, University of Minnesota, 1993
- MBA, Business Administration, Lehigh University, 1988
- BS, Computer Science, Lehigh University, 1986
Research Interests
- AI
- Health IT
- Conversational Agents
- Social Bots
- Algorithmic Coordination
- IT & Use
Journal Articles
- Sesay, A., Karahanna, E., and Boudreau, M.C., “Emergence of IT Implementation Consequences in Organizations: An Assemblage Approach,” forthcoming at MIS Quarterly
- Skousen, T., Safadi, H., and Karahanna, E. “Firm-Sponsored Online Communities: Building Alignment Capabilities for Participatory Governance,” forthcoming at Information Systems Research.
- Zhao, X., Xue, L., Song, P. and Karahanna, E. “Direct Communication and Two-sided Matching Quality on Digital Platform: A Perspective of Choice Based on Consideration Set”,” Information Systems Research, 35:2, pp. 629-641 doi:10.1287/isre.2023.1235.
- Karahanna, E. and Claggett, J. “Coordinating Knowledge: A New Lens to Understanding the Role of Technology in Episodic Coordination,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, March 2023, https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.379
- Amiri, P. and Karahanna, E. “Chatbot Use Cases in the Covid-19 Public Health Response,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), May 2022, 29:5, pp. 1000-1010.
- Feng, Y., Claggett, J. Karahanna E., and Tam, K.Y., “Exploring the Impact of Herding Cues in the Presence of Other Information Signals through a Randomized Field Experiment,” MIS Quarterly, June 2022, 46:2, pp. 1135-1163.
- Salge, C., Karahanna, E., and Thatcher, J. “Algorithmic Processes of Social Alertness and Social Transmission: How Bots Disseminate Information on Twitter,” MIS Quarterly, March 2022, 46:1, pp. 229-259. **MIS Quarterly Best Paper Award for 2022 & AIS Senior Scholar Best Publication **
- Zhang, N., Wang, C., Karahanna, E., and Xu, Y. “Conceptualizing Online Social Networking Privacy Concerns,” MIS Quarterly, March 2022, 46:1, pp. 491-529.
- Bardhan, I., Chen, H., and Karahanna, E. “Connecting Systems, Data, and People: A Multidisciplinary Research Roadmap for Chronic Disease Management,” MIS Quarterly, 44:1, March 2020, pp. 185-200.
- Thomaz, F., Salge, C., Karahanna, E., & Hulland, J. “Learning From the Dark Web: Leveraging Conversational Agents in the Era Of Hyper-Privacy to Enhance Marketing,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48:1, January 2020, pp. 43-63.
- Grewal, D., Hulland, J., Kopalle P.K., Karahanna E. “The Future of Technology and Marketing: A Multidisciplinary Perspective,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48:1, January 2020, pp. 1-8 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-019-00711-4
- Claggett, J.L. and Karahanna, E. Unpacking the Structure of Coordination Mechanisms and the Role of Relational Coordination in an Era of Digitally-Mediated Work Processes. Academy Of Management Review, 43:4, 2018, pp. 704-722.
- Karahanna, E., Liu, B., Serrano, C. and Chen, A. Capitalizing on Heath Information Technology to Enable Digital Advantage in US Hospitals. MIS Quarterly, 43:1, March 2019, pp. 113-140.
- Karahanna, E., Benbasat I., Bapna, R., and Rai, A. “Editor’s Comments: Opportunities and Challenges for Different Types of Online Experiments,” MIS Quarterly, 42:4, December 2018, pp. iii-x.
- Chen, A. and Karahanna, E. Life Interrupted: Examining the Effects of Work-Related Technology-Mediated Interruptions on Work and Life Outcomes. MIS Quarterly, 42:4, December 2018, pp. 1023-1042.
- Karahanna, E., Xu, S., Zhang, A., Xu, Y. The Needs-Affordances-Features (NAF) Perspective for the Use of Social Media. MIS Quarterly, 42:3, September 2018, pp. 737-756.
- Salge, C. and Karahanna, E. 2018. Protesting Corruption on Twitter: Is it a Bot or is it a Person?. Academy of Management Discoveries,4(1):32-49.
- Liu, Q. and Karahanna, E. 2017. The Dark Side of Reviews: The Swaying Effects of Online Product Reviews on Attribute Preferences Construction. MIS Quarterly, 41(2):427-448.
- Serrano, C. and Karahanna, E. 2016. The Compensatory Role of User Capabilities in Task Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Assessment in Technology-Mediated Medical Consultations. MIS Quarterly, 40(3):597-622.
- Rigdon, E.E., Becker, JM, Rai, A., Ringle, C.M., Diamantopoulos, A., Karahanna, E., Straub, D.W., and Dijkstra, T.K. 2014. Conflating Antecedents and Formative Indicators: A Comment on Aguirre-Urreta and Marakas. Information Systems Research , 25(4):780-784.
- Dawson, G., Karahanna E., and Buchholz, A. 2014. A Study on Psychological Contract Breach Spillover in Multiple Agency Relationships in Consulting Professional Service Firms. Organization Science, 25(1):149-170.
- Karahanna, E. and Preston, D. 2013. The Effect of Social Capital of the Relationship between the CIO and Top Management Team on Firm Performance. Journal Of Management Information Systems ,30(1):15-55.
- Williams, C. and Karahanna, E. 2013. Causal Explanation in the Coordinating Process: A Critical Realist Case Study of Federated IT Governance Structures. MIS Quarterly, 37(3):933-964.
- Polites, G. and Karahanna, E. 2013. The Embeddedness of IS Habits in Organizational Routines: Development and Disruption. MIS Quarterly, 37(1):221-246.
- Polites, G. and Karahanna, E. 2012 . Shackled to the Status Quo: The Inhibiting Effects of Incumbent System Habit, Switching Costs, and Inertia on New System Acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 36(1):21-42 **MIS Quarterly 2012 Best Paper Award **.
- Preston, D. and Karahanna, E. 2009. Antecedents of IS Strategic Alignment: A Nomological Network. Information Systems Research, 20(2):159-179.
- Choudhury, V. and Karahanna, E. 2008. The Relative Advantage of Electronic Channels: A Multi-Dimensional View. MIS Quarterly, 32(1):179-2000.
- Karahanna, E., Agarwal, R. and Angst, C. 2006. Reconceptualizing Compatibility Beliefs in Technology Acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 30(4):781-804.
- Srite, M. and Karahanna, E. 2006. The Role of Espoused National Cultural Values in Technology Acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 30(3):679-704.
- Gefen, D., Karahanna, E., and Straub D.W. 2003. Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model. MIS Quarterly, 27(1):51-90.
- Agarwal, R. and Karahanna, E. 2000. Time Flies When You Have Fun: Cognitive Absorption and Beliefs about Information Technology Usage. MIS Quarterly, 24(4):665-694.
- Karahanna, E., Straub, D.W., and Chervany, N.L. 1999. Information Technology Adoption Across Time: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Pre-Adoption and Post-Adoption Beliefs. MIS Quarterly, 23(2):183-213.
- Straub, D.W. and Karahanna, E. 1998. Knowledge Worker Communications and Recipient Availability: Toward a Task Closure Explanation of Media Choice. Organization Science, 9(2):1-16.
- Straub, D.W., Limayem, M. and Karahanna, E. 1995. Measuring System Usage: Implications for IS Theory Testing. Management Science, 41(8):1328-1342
Editorial Appointments
- Advisory Senior Editor, Information Systems Research, 2022–present
- Associate Editor, Management Science, 2007–present
- Senior Editor, MIS Quarterly, 2004–2007
- Senior Editor, Information Systems Research, 2008–2012
- Senior Editor, Journal of AIS, 2004–2007
- Associate Editor, Information Systems Research, 2004–2005
- Associate Editor, MIS Quarterly, 2001–2004
- Editorial Board, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, 2003–2007
- Editorial Board, Journal of AIS, 2002–2002
- Editorial Board, European Journal of Information Systems, 2003–2005
- Advisory Board, Journal of AIS, 2016–2019
- Advisory Board, AIS Transactions on HCI, 2020–present
- Co-editor, Journal of Management Information Systems, 2022–2023
- Co-editor, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2019–2019
- Co-editor, MIS Quarterly, 2017–2019
- Co-editor, MISQ Executive, 2010–2011
- Co-editor, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2005–2006
Awards, Honors, and Recognition
- Terry College of Business Service Award, 2024
- INFORMS Information Systems Society President's Service Award, 2023
- Management Science Information Systems Department Inaugural Best Associate Editor Award, 2022
- INFORMS Information Systems Society Distinguished Fellow, 2021
- Terry College of Business Distinguished Research Award, 2021
- AIS Technology ATLAS Award, 2021
- AIS Leo Award for Exceptional Lifetime Contributions to the IS Discipline, 2020
- Distinguished Research Professor, University of Georgia, 2016
- AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award, The Association for Information Systems, 2015
- UGA Teaching Excellence Award, University of Georgia, 2013
- AIS Fellow, The Association for Information Systems, 2012
- UGA Teaching Excellence Award, University of Georgia, 2011
- Terry Research Award, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, 2010
- UGA Teaching Excellence Award, University of Georgia, 2003
- OCIS Reviewer of the Year, Academy of Management, 2002
- IMS Dept. Instructor of the Year Award, Florida State University, 1998
Selected Service
- ECIS 2024 Conference Co-Chair
- ICIS 2020 Program Co-Chair
- ICIS 2014 Program Co-Chair
- AMCIS 2023 Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair
- AMCIS 2014 Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair
- Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2016 Conference Co-Chair
- Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2011 Conference Co-Chair
- MIS Academic Leadership Conference 2022, Conference Co-Chair
- INFORMS ISS Inaugural Paper Development Workshop Organizing Committee, 2023
- Co-founder (with Sandy Slaughter) of the Doctoral Student Corner (2014)
- Co-founder (with Rick Watson) of the Senior Scholar Consortium (2004)