Kayla Freeman
- Assistant Professor, Department of Finance
B326 Amos Hall
- PhD, Finance, Indiana University, 2019
- MS, Finance, Indiana University, 2016
- BS, Finance, Indiana University, 2014
Research Interests
- Empirical corporate finance
- Supply chain finance and trade credit
- Institutional ownership
- Financial intermediation
Working Papers
- “(Don’t) Feed the Mouth that Bites: Trade Credit Strategies Among Rival Customers Sharing Suppliers” with Jie (Jack) He, Han Xia, and Liyan Yang
- “Social Capital and Interfirm Cooperation: The Impact of a Religious Scandal on Trade Credit” with Quentin Dupont (SSRN Link)
- “One Sows and Another Reaps: Outsourcing Innovation to Suppliers.”
Journal Articles
- Freeman, K. M. (2023). Overlapping Ownership Along the Supply Chain. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (forthcoming). Link to online publication
- Freeman, K. M. (2024). The Lender’s Lender: Trade Credit and the Monitoring Role of Banks. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (forthcoming). Link to online publication
- Billett, M. T., Freeman, K. M., and Gao, J. (2024). Access to Debt and the Provision of Trade Credit. Management Science (forthcoming). SSRN link