What’s the big deal about big data?

With the Ivester Institute for Business Analytics and Insights, Terry expands its focus on a crucial component of modern business.

Illustration of a pro stock trader working at a larger computer and a novice receiving tips from their cell phone.

More than meme stocks

Research by Terry College accounting professor Frank Heflin found social media can positively affect the stock market and benefit retail investors.

Employees with disabilities negotiating salaries. An illustration with a anthropomorphized 87 cents walks with a cane and talks to an anthropomorphized $1 who wears a tie.

Everything’s negotiable, but not for everyone

Employees with disabilities earn only 87% percent of what similarly-qualified employees without disabilities earn. New research ties the disparity to stereotypes that routinely sabotage their salary negotiations, leading to lower starting salaries.

Booting Toxic founders and CEOS can help or hurt brand reputation An illustration of a sailing ship's crew cutting their ship in half to separate from their captain.

When good founders go bad

UGA consumer psychology researcher Julio Sevilla wanted to know what happens when “main character” CEOs and founders are booted for bad behavior. Do the company brands suffer or soar?

Susan Cohen

Investigating innovation

Terry management Associate Professor Susan Cohen’s early interest in innovation led her to study startups and how startup accelerators foster new ideas, new products and success.

Finance researchers gathered for a group photo at the UGA Fall Finance Conference

Fall Finance Conference

Finance faculty at the University of Georgia hosted researchers from half a dozen universities including Yale, Stanford and the London School of Business.