Stacy Campbell
- Synovus Director, Institute for Leadership Advancement
A114 Moore-Rooker Hall
- PhD, Business Administration, University of Georgia, 2007
- MA, Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996
- BA, Business/Economics & Psychology, Lafayette College, 1993
Research Interests
- Leadership
- Employee Engagement
- Multi-Generational Workplace
Journal Articles
- Palmer, J., Macenczak, L., Campbell, S. (2023). One of These Things is Not Like the Other: A Brief Report on the Differential Effects of Grandiose and Vulnerable narcissism on Justice Orientation. Current Psychology.
- Macenczak, L., Campbell, S., Henley, A. (2021). Moderating impact of narcissism on the link between contextual variables & perceptions of fairness. Personality and Individual Differences, 181(5):1115.
- Maloni, M., Hiatt, M. S., Campbell, S. (2019). Understanding the Work Values of Gen Z Business Students. International Journal of Management Education, 17(3).
- Brawley, D., Campbell, S., Kolenko, T., Moodie, D. (2019). Integrating the Core: Implementing a New Management Curriculum to Empower Our Students. Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 15(1).
- Maloni, M., Campbell, S., Boyd, E., Scherrer, C. R., Gligor, D. M. (2017). Exploring the Effects of Workforce Level on Supply Chain Job Satisfaction and Industry Commitment. International Journal of Logistics Management, 28(4), 1294-1318.
- Campbell, S., Twenge, J. M., Campbell, W. K. (2017). Fuzzy but Useful Constructs: Making Sense of the Differences between Generations. Work Aging & Retirement, 21, 130-139.
- Maloni, M., Scherrer, C. R., Campbell, S., Boyd, E. (2016). Attracting Students to the Field of Logistics, Part 1. Transportation Journal, 55(4), 420-442.
- Theoni, D., Marshall, G., Campbell, S. (2016). A resource-advantage theory typology of strategic segmentation. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50(12), 2070-2076.
- Swaim, J. A., Maloni, M., Henley, A., Campbell, S. (2016). Motivational Influences on Supply Manager Environmental Sustainability Behavior. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 21(3), 305-320.
- Macenczak, L., Campbell, S., Henley, A., Campbell, W. K. (2016). Direct and Interactive Effects of Narcissism and Power on Overconfidence. Personality and Individual Differences (91), 113-122.
- Campbell, W. K., Campbell, S., Siedor, L., Twenge, J. M. (2015). Generational Differences Are Real and Useful. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8(03), 324-331.
- Cochran, J., Campbell, S., Baker, V., Leeds, E. (2014). The Role of Student Characteristics in Predicting Retention in Online Business Courses. Research in Higher Education, Journal for the Association for Institutional Research, Springer, 55(1), 27-48. http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/higher+education/journal/11162
- Moodie, D., Brawley, D., Campbell, S., Desman, R., Kolenko, T. (2013). Integrating the core: A new management curriculum to empower our students. Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 9(1, Spring 2013), 47-58.
- Campbell, W. K., Hoffman, B. J., Campbell, S., Marchisio, G. (2011). Narcissism in Organizational Contexts. Human Resource Management Review, 21(Special Issue), 268-287.
- Twenge, J. M., Campbell, S., Hoffman, B. J., Lance, C. (2010). Generational differences in work values: Leisure is in; intrinsic, social, and altruistic values are out. Journal of Management, 36(5), 117-1142.
- Campbell, W. K., Campbell, S. (2009). On the self-regulatory dynamics created by the peculiar benefits and costs of narcissism: A contextual reinforcement model and examination of leadership. Self and Identity (Special Issue), 214-232.
- Twenge, J. M., Campbell, S. (2008). Generational differences in psychological traits and their impact on the workplace. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8), 862 – 877.
- Campbell, S., Ward, A. J., Sonnenfeld, J. A., Agle, B. R. (2008). Relational Ties That Bind: The Impact of Leader-Follower Relationship Dimensions on Charismatic Attribution. The Leadership Quarterly, 19, 556-568.
Book Chapters
- Campbell, S., Twenge, J. (2014). Is it Kids Today or Just that their kids? In Emma Parry (Ed.), Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Campbell, W. K., Campbell, S. (2014). Positive and Negative Impacts of Leadership. Personal Relationships at Work: The effects of positive and negative work relationship on employee attitudes, behavior and well-being.
- Twenge, J. M., Campbell, S. (2013). Generation Me and the Changing Nature of Work. New York, NY: Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work.
- Campbell, W. K., Campbell, S. (2012). Narcissism in Organizations. In Elsbach, K., Kayes, D.C. & Kayes, C. (Ed.), Contemporary Organizational Behavior in Action.
Prior Professional Positions
- Executive Director, Coles Scholars Leadership Program, 2013-2023
- Professor of Management, Kennesaw State University, 2017-2023
- Associate Professor, Kennesaw State University, 2012- 2017
- Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University, 2007-2012
- Graduate Instructor, University of Georgia, 2003-2007
- Manager in Change Management, The North Highland Company, 2000-2003
- Management Consultant, KPMG, 1996-2000
- Graduate Instructor, UNC - Chapel Hill, 1994-1996