Headshot of Mike Pfarrer

Mike Pfarrer

  • Associate Dean for Research and Executive Programs, Office of the Dean
  • C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Distinguished Chair of Business Administration and Professor, Department of Management


  • PhD, Strategic Management, University of Maryland
  • MBA, Management, University of North Alabama
  • BA, Economics and German, University of Notre Dame

Research Interests

  • Strategic decision making
  • Organizational reputation and celebrity
  • Media and corporate communications
  • Impression and crisis management
  • Role of business in society


Journal Articles

  • Gamache, D., Pfarrer, M.D., & Curran, K. 2024. Organizational hubris: Its antecedents and consequences for stakeholder relationships. Strategic Management Journal, 45: 1366-1392.
  • Maghzi, A. Lin, N., Pfarrer, M.D., Gudergan, S., & Wilden, R. 2024. Heuristic dynamic capability deployment in uncertain environments. Academy of Management Review, 49: 514-535.
  • Iqbal, F., Pfarrer, M.D., & Bundy, J. 2024. The dilemma of managing multiple social evaluations in a crisis. Academy of Management Review, 49: 299-321.
  • Bass, A.E., Pfarrer, M.D., Titus, V., & Milosevic, I. 2023. Better to be loved by some? Flaunting as an impression management strategy. Academy of Management Review, 48: 292-312.
  • Colquitt, J., Sabey, T., Pfarrer, M.D., Hill, E., & Rodell, J. 2023. Continue the story or turn the page? Coworker reactions to inheriting an employee’s legacy. Academy of Management Review, 48: 11-31.
  • Bundy, J., Iqbal, F., & Pfarrer, M.D. Reputations in flux: How a firm repairs its multiple reputations in response to different violations. Strategic Management Journal, 42: 1109-1138.
  • Wang, X., Reger, R.K., & Pfarrer, M.D. Faster, hotter, and more linked-in: Managing social disapproval in the Social Media Era. Academy of Management Review, 46: 1-24.
  • Harrison, J.S., Boivie, S., Thurgood, G.R., & Pfarrer, M.D. In the eye of the beholder: How CEOs’ observed personality traits influence market perceptions of firm risk and the risk-return relationship. Academy of Management Journal, 63: 1166-1195.
  • Busenbark, J.R., Pfarrer, M.D., Miller, B.P., & Marshall, N.T. How the severity gap influences the effect of top-actor performance on outcomes following a violation. Strategic Management Journal, 40: 2078-2104.
  • Harrison, J.S., Boivie, S., Thurgood, G.R., & Pfarrer, M.D. 2019. Measuring CEO personality: Developing, validating, and testing a linguistic tool. Strategic Management Journal, 40: 1316-1330.
  • Hubbard, T.D., Pollock, T.G., Pfarrer, M.D., & Rindova, V.P. 2018. Safe bets or hot hands? How status and celebrity influence newly public firms’ strategic alliance formations. Academy of Management Journal, 61:1976-1999.
  • Haleblian, J.M., Pfarrer, M.D., & Kiley, J. 2017. High-reputation firms and their differential acquisition behaviors. Strategic Management Journal, 38:2237-2254.
  • Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M.D., & Reger, R.K. 2017. Celebrity and infamy? The consequences of media narratives about organizational identity. Academy of Management Review, 42:461-480.
  • Bundy, J.B., Pfarrer, M.D., Short, C.E., & Coombs, W.T. 2017. Crises and crisis management: Integration, interpretation, and research development. Journal of Management, 43:1661-1692.
  • Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M.D., Reger, R.K., & Hubbard, T.D. 2016. Reputation as a Benefit and a Burden? How Organizational Reputation Affects Low- and High-Identification Stakeholders’ Reactions to a Negative Event. Academy of Management Journal, 53:253-276.
  • Bundy, J., & Pfarrer, M.D. 2015. A Burden of Responsibility: The Role of Social Approval at the Onset of a Crisis. Academy of Management Review, 40:345-369.
  • Muller, A.R., Pfarrer, M.D., & Little, L.M. 2014. A Theory of Collective Empathy in Corporate Philanthropy Decisions. Academy of Management Review, 39:1-21.
  • Haack, P., Pfarrer, M.D., & Scherer, A.G. 2014. Legitimacy-as-Feeling: How Affect Leads to Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance. Journal of Management Studies, 51:634-666.
  • Zavyalova, A., Pfarrer, M.D., Reger, R.K., & Shapiro, D.L. 2012.Managing the Message: The Effects of Firm Actions and Industry Spillovers on Media Coverage Following Wrongdoing. Academy of Management Journal, 55:1079-1101.
  • Koschmann, M.A., Kuhn, T.R., & Pfarrer, M.D. 2012. A Communicative Framework of Value in Cross-Sector Partnerships. Academy of Management Review, 37:332-354.
  • Pfarrer, M.D., Pollock, T.G., & Rindova, V.P. 2010. A Tale of Two Assets: The Effects of Firm Reputation and Celebrity on Earnings Surprises and Investors’ Reactions. Academy of Management Journal, 53:1131-1152.
  • Pfarrer, M.D., DeCelles, K.A., Smith, K.G., & Taylor, M.S. 2008. After the Fall: Reintegrating the Corrupt Organization. Academy of Management Review, 33:730-749.
  • Pfarrer, M.D., Smith, K.G., Bartol, K.M., Khanin, D.M., & Zhang, X. 2008. Coming Forward: The Effects of Social and Regulatory Forces on the Voluntary Restatement of Earnings Subsequent to Wrongdoing. Organization Science, 19:386-403.
  • Zhang, X., Bartol, K.M., Smith, K.G., Pfarrer, M.D., & Khanin, D.M. 2008. CEOs on the Edge: Earnings Manipulation and Stock-Based Incentive Misalignment. Academy of Management Journal, 51:241-258.
  • Duriau, V.J., Reger, R.K., & Pfarrer, M.D. 2007. A Content Analysis of the Content Analysis Literature in Organization Studies: Research Themes, Data Sources, and Methodological Refinements. Organizational Research Methods, 10:5-34.

Editorial Appointments

  • Associate Editor, Academy of Management Review, 20142017
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Management, 2023–present
  • Editorial Board, Academy of Management Review, 2009–present
  • Editorial Board, Academy of Management Journal, 2010–present

Awards, Honors, and Recognition

  • Hugh O. Nourse Outstanding Full-Time MBA Teacher Award, 2022
  • Terry Professional MBA Outstanding Professor Award, 2018, 2019
  • Terry College of Business Outstanding Teacher, 2013, 2016
  • National Communication Association Article of the Year, 2012
  • Organization Research Methods Best Publication Award, 2007