John Hulland
- Department Head, Nalley Distinguished Chair in Business and Professor, Department of Marketing
C310A Benson Hall
- PhD, Marketing, MIT, 1990
- MBA, Business, Queen's University (Kingston), 1983
- BSc, Chemistry, University of Guelph, 1981
Research Interests
- Scale Development
- Conceptual Reviews
- Online Communications and Online Social Interaction
- Dark Webs
- Online Personalization vs. Privacy
Journal Articles
- John Hulland and Jeff Miller. 2018. Keep on Turkin’? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(5):789-794.
- Robert W. Palmatier, Mark B. Houston, and John Hulland. 2018.Review Articles: Purpose, Process, and Structure. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science , 46(1):1-5.
- John Hulland, Hans Baumgartner, and Keith Smith. 2018. Marketing Survey Research Best Practices: Evidence and Recommendations from a Review of JAMS Articles. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science , 46(1):92-108.
- Jenny Van Doorn, Martin Mende, Stephanie M. Noble, John Hulland, Amy L. Ostrom, Dhruv Grewal, and J. Andrew Petersen. 2017. Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto: Emergence of Automated Social Presence in Organizational Frontlines and Customers’ Service Experiences. Journal of Service Research, 20(1):43-58.
- Efua Obeng, Ryan Luchs, Jeff Inman, and John Hulland. 2016.Survival of the Fittest: How Competitive Service Overlap and Retail Format Impact Incumbents’ Vulnerability to New Entrants. Journal of Retailing, 92(4):383-396.
- Efua Obeng, John E. Prescott, John Hulland, Robert Gilbert and James Maxham III. 2015. Retail Capability Systems. AMS Review,5(3-4):103-122.
- John Hulland, Scott Thompson, and Keith Smith. 2015. Exploring Uncharted Waters: Use of Psychological Ownership Theory in Marketing. Journal of Marketing Theory And Practice, 23(2):140-147.
- Dominique Rouzies, John Hulland, and Donald W. Barclay. 2014.Does Marketing and Sales Integration Always Pay Off? Evidence from a Social Capital Perspective. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science , 42(5):511-527.
- Didem Kurt and John Hulland. 2013. Aggressive Marketing Strategy Following Equity Offerings and Firm Value: The Role of Relative Strategic Flexibility. Journal of Marketing, 77(September):57-74.
- John Hulland, Gergana Nenkov, and Donald Barclay. 2012. Perceived Marketing / Sales Relationship Effectiveness: A Matter of Justice. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3):450-467.
- Gergana Nenkov, Jeffrey Inman, John Hulland, and Maureen Morrin. 2009. Ambidextrous Organizations and Firm Performance: The Role of Marketing Function Implementation. Journal of Marketing Research, 46(December):764-776.
- Christopher Plouffe, John Hulland, and Trent Wachner. 2009.Customer-Directed Selling Behaviors and Performance: A Comparison of Existing Perspectives. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 37(4):422-439.
- Gergana Nenkov, Maureen Morrin, Andrew Ward, Barry Schwartz, and John Hulland. 2008. A Short Form of the Maximization Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity Studies. Judgement And Decision Making, 3(June):371-388.
- Gergana Nenkov, Jeffrey Inman, and John Hulland. 2008.Expectations about the Future: The Conceptualization and Measurement of Elaboration on Potential Outcomes. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(June):126-141.
- Vanitha Swaminathan, Feisal Murshed, and John Hulland. 2008.Value Creation Following Merger and Acquisition Announcements: The Role of Strategic Emphasis Alignment. Journal of Marketing Research, 45(February):33-47.
- John Hulland, Michael Wade, and Kersi Antia. 2007. The Impact of Capabilities and Prior Investments on Online Channel Commitment and Performance. Journal of MIS , 23(4):109-142.
- Michael Wade and John Hulland. 2004. The Resource-Based View and Information Systems Research: Review, Extension, and Suggestions for Future Research. MIS Quarterly, 28(1):107-142.
- Shun Yin Lam, Mark Vandenbosch, John Hulland, and Michael Pearce. 2001. Evaluating Promotions in Shopping Environments: Decomposing Sales Response into Attraction, Conversion, and Spending Effects. Marketing Science, 20(2):194-215.
- Christopher Plouffe, John Hulland, and Mark Vandenbosch. 2001.Richness versus Parsimony in Modeling Technology Adoption Decisions: Understanding Merchant Adoption of a Smart Card-Based Payment System. Information Systems Research, 12(2):208-222.
- Laurence Capron and John Hulland. 1999. Redeployment of Brands, Sales Forces, and General Marketing Management Expertise Following Horizontal Acquisitions: A Resource-Based View. Journal of Marketing, 63(April):41-54.
- John Hulland. 1999. Use of Partial Least Squares (PLS) in Strategic Management Research: A Review of Four Recent Studies. Strategic Management Journal, 20(February):195-204.
- D. Sandy Staples, John Hulland, and Christopher A. Higgins. 1999. A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in Virtual Organizations. Organization Science, 10(Nov-Dec):758-776.
- John Hulland, Yiu Ho Chow, and Shun Yin Lam. 1996. Use of Causal Models in Marketing Research: A Review. International Journal of Research In Marketing, 13(2):181-197.
- Julian Birkinshaw, Allen Morrison, and John Hulland. 1995. Structural and Competitive Determinants of a Global Integration Strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 16(8):637-655.
- Glen L. Urban, John Hulland, and Bruce D. Weinberg. 1993.Premarket Forecasting of New Consumer Durables: Modeling Categorization, Elimination, and Consideration Phenomena. Journal of Marketing, 57(April):47-63.
Book Chapters
- John Hulland. 1999. Use of Partial Least Squares in Strategic Management Research. In: Readings in Organization Science, M.P Cuhha and C. A. Marques (eds.), Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 361-386.
- Mary Crossan and John Hulland. 2002. Leveraging Knowledge Through Leadership of Organizational Learning. In: Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge, Chun Wei Choo and Nick Bontis (eds.), Oxford University Press, 711-723.
- John Hulland, Michael J. Ryan, and Robert Rayner. 2010. Modeling Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Covariance Structure Analysis Versus Partial Least Squares. In: Handbook of Partial Least Squares: Concepts, Methods and Applications (Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi, Wynne W. Chin, Jorg Henseler, and Huiwen Wang (eds.), Springer-Verlag Press, 307-326.
- Didem Kurt and John Hulland. 2012. Corporate Financial Policy and Marketing Strategy: The Case of IPOs and SEOs. In: Handbook of Marketing and Finance, Shanker Ganesan (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 244-268.
- Pratyush N. Sharma, John Hulland, and Sherae Daniel. 2012. Examining Turnover in Open Source Software Projects Using Logistic Hierarchical Linear Modeling Approach. In: Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability, Springer, 331-337.
- Keith M. Smith, John Hulland, and Scott A. Thompson. 2018. Cheaters, Trolls, and Ninja Looters: The Dark Side of Psychological Ownership. In: The Dark Side of Social Media: A Consumer Psychology Perspective, Angeline Close Scheinbaum (ed.), Routledge, 71-88.
- John Hulland, Keith Marion Smith, and Jessica Babin. 2018. Ownership. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, Marc H. Bornstein (ed.), SAGE Publications, 1562-1564.
- Kenneth G. Hardy, David G. Burgoyne, Terry H. Deutscher, John S. Hulland, John R. Kennedy, Michael R. Pearce, and Adrian B. Ryans. 1994. Canadian Marketing: Cases and Concepts, Fourth Edition. Allyn & Bacon: Scarborough, Ontario.
- John Hulland. 1998. Marketing Management Cases. China Machine Press: Shanghai, PRC. (First edition is in English; 1999 and 2000 editions are in Chinese.)
Editorial Appointments
- AE, Journal of Marketing, 2011–present
- ERB Member, Journal of International Business Studies, 2007–present
- ERB Member, Journal of International Marketing, 1999–present
- AE, JAMS, 2015–2018
- Editor-in-Chief, JAMS, 2018–present
Awards, Honors, and Recognition
- Excellence in Teaching Award. Katz Business School, University of Pittsburgh. EMBA Program, 2009, 2010, MBA Program 2010.
- Teacher of the Year Award. Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. MMR Program, 2014, 2015, 2018.
- Hugh O. Nourse Outstanding MBA Elective Teacher Award. Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. MBA Program, 2015.
- Department of Marketing Teaching Award. Terry College o Business, University of Georgia. 2015.
- Terry College Teaching Excellence Award. Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. 2016.
- Best Reviewer Awards. Journal of Marketing 2003-2005; Journal of Strategic Information Systems 2009; Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 2010, 2015.
- Case Writer of the Year Award. The Case Study Group of Hong Kong. 1999, 2000.
Prior Professional Positions
- University of Pittsburgh, Associate/Full Professor, 2001 to 2011
- University of Western Ontario, Assistant/Associate Professor, 1989 to 2001