Jessica Beth Rodell
- William Harry Willson Distinguished Chair and Professor, Department of Management
C214 Benson Hall
- PhD, Management, University of Florida, 2010
- MBA, Business Administration, University of Florida, 2006
- BA, Sociology, Furman University, 2002
Research Interests
- Meaningful work experiences (e.g., volunteering and meaningfulness)
- Employee-supervisor relationships (e.g., justice and trust)
- Making the most of difficult situations (e.g., stress and misfit)
Journal Articles
- Zipay, K. P., & Rodell, J. B. Conditional Accept. Have your cake and eat it too? Understanding leisure-work synergizing and its impact on employee thriving. Organization Science.
- Rodell, J.B., Shanklin, B., & Frank, E. Forthcoming. “I’m so stressed!”: The relational consequences of stress bragging. Personnel Psychology.
- Matusik, J., Poulton, E., Perris, D. L., Johnson, R. E., & Rodell, J. B. Forthcoming. The PCMT model of organizational support: Scale development and theoretical application. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Colquitt, J. A., Sabey, T. B., Pfarrer, M., Rodell, J. B., & Hill, E. 2023. Continue the story or turn the page? Coworker reactions to inheriting a legacy. Academy of Management Review.
- Vogel, R., Rodell, J. B., & Agolli, A. 2022. Daily engagement and productivity: The importance of speed of engagement. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Frank, E. L., Matta, F. K., Sabey, T. B., & Rodell, J. B. 2022. What does it cost you to get there? The effects of emotional journeys on daily outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Sabey, T. B., Rodell, J. B., & Matta, F. 2021. To and fro: The costs and benefits of power fluctuation throughout the day. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Rodell. J. B. 2021. Volunteer programs that employees can get excited about. Harvard Business Review.
- Rodell, J. B., Sabey, T. B., & Rogers, K. 2020. “Tapping” into good will: Leveraging customer volunteering to manage corporate reputation. Academy of Management Journal.
- Vogel, R., Rodell, J. B., & Sabey, T. B. 2020. Meaningfulness misfit: Consequences of daily meaningful work needs-supplies incongruence for daily engagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105: 760-770.
- Colquitt, J. A., Sabey, T. B., Rodell, J. R., & Hill, E. 2019. Content validation benchmarks: Evaluation criteria for definitional correspondence and definitional distinctiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104: 1243-1265.
- Lynch, J. W., & Rodell, J. B. 2018. Blend in or stand out? Interpersonal outcomes to managing concealable stigmas at work..Journal of Applied Psychology, 103:1307-1323
- Baer, M. D., Rodell, J. B., Dhensa-Kahlon, R., Colquitt, J. A., Zipay, K. P., Burgess, R., & Outlaw, R. 2018. Pacification or aggravation? The effects of talking about supervisor unfairness. Academy Of Management Journal, 61: 1764-1788.
- Baer, M. D., Van der Werff, L., Colquitt, J. A., Rodell, J. B., Zipay, K. P., & Buckley, F. 2018. Trusting the “look and feel”: Situational normality, situational aesthetics, and the perceived trustworthiness of organizations. Academy Of Management Journal, 61: 1718-1740.
- Rodell, J. B., Booth, J. E., Lynch, J. W., & Zipay, K. 2017. Corporate volunteering climate: Mobilizing employee passion for societal causes and inspiring future charitable action. Academy Of Management Journal , 60:1662-1681.
- Rodell, J. B., Colquitt, J. A., & Baer, M. D. 2017. Is Adhering to justice rules enough? The role of charismatic qualities in perceptions of supervisors’ overall fairness. Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes, 140:14-28.
- Vogel, R., Rodell, J. B., & Lynch, J. W. 2016. Engaged and productive misfits: How job crafting and leisure activity mitigate the negative effects of value incongruence. Academy Of Management Journal ,59:1561-1584.
- Rodell, J. B., & Lynch, J. W. 2016. Perceptions of employee volunteering: Is it acredited or estigmatized by colleagues? . Academy Of Management Journal , 59:611-635.
- Rodell, J. B., Breitsohl, H., Schroder, M., & Keating, D. 2016.Employee volunteering: A review and framework for future research..Journal Of Management , 42:55-84.
- Baer, M. D., Dhensa, R. K., Colquitt, J. A., Rodell, J. B., Outlaw, R., & Long, D. M. 2015. Uneasy lies the head that bears the trust: The effects of feeling trusted on emotional exhaustion.. Academy Of Management Journal , 58:1637-1657.
- Colquitt, J. A., Long, D. M., Rodell, J. B., & Halvorsen-Ganepola, M. D. K. 2015. Adding the ‘in’ to justice: A qualitative and quantitative investigation of the differential effects of justice and injustice. Journal Of Applied Psychology , 100:278-297.
- Judge, T. A., Rodell, J. B., Klinger, R., Simon, L., & Crawford, E. R.2013. Hierarchical representations of the five-factor model of personality in predicting job performance: Integrating three organizing frameworks with two theoretical perspectives. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 98:875-925.
- Rodell, J. B. 2013. Finding meaning through volunteering: Why do employees volunteer and what does it mean for their jobs?. Academy Of Management Journal, 56:1274-1294.
- Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., Rodell, J. B., Long, D. M., Zapata, C. P., Conlon, D. E., & Wesson, M. J. 2013. Justice at the millennium, a decade later: A meta-analytic test of social exchange and affect-based perspectives.. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 98:199-236.
- Colquitt, J. A. & Rodell, J. B. 2011. Justice, trust, and trustworthiness: A longitudinal analysis integrating three theoretical perspectives. Academy Of Management Journal, 54:1183-1206.
- Rodell, J. B., & Judge, T. A. 2009. Can “good” stressors spark “bad” behaviors? The mediating role of emotions in links of challenge and hindrance stressors with citizenship and counterproductive behaviors.. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 94:1438-1451.
- Rodell, J. B., & Colquitt, J. A. 2009. Looking ahead in times of uncertainty: The role of anticipatory justice in an organizational change context.. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 94:989-1002.
Editorial Appointments
- Associate Editor, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2023–present
- Associate Editor, Academy of Management Journal, 2017–2019
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014–present
- Editorial Board Member, Academy of Management Journal, 2012–present
Awards, Honors, and Recognition
- Cummings Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award, Academy of Management OB Division, 2022
- Research Excellence Award, Terry College, University of Georgia, 2020
- GDO Division Parasuraman Award for Lynch & Rodell (2018), Academy of Management, 2018
- Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Developing Scholar, University of Georgia, 2015
- HR Division Scholarly Achievement Award for Judge, Rodell, et al. (2013), Academy of Management, 2014
- Michael F. Adams Early Career Scholar Award, University of Georgia, 2014