Gerald C. Kane
- Department Head, C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration and Professor, Department of Management Information Systems
Dr. Gerald C. (Jerry) Kane is a Professor and the C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair in Business Administration at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. His research interests include the social and ethical implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning; how companies use digital tools to innovate through disruption (e.g. COVID-19); the success factors associated with the digital transformation of legacy companies; using social media to manage knowledge within, between, and across firm boundaries; and the intersection of information systems and social networks, particularly in healthcare organizations. He speaks about how companies can understand and respond to digital disruption to undergraduate, graduate, and executive education students worldwide. He has published over 100 papers, articles, and reports on these topics in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Organization Science, Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the AIS, Journal of Business Ethics, Harvard Business Review, MIT-Sloan Management Review, among others. He is the lead author of The Technology Fallacy: How People are the Real Key to Digital Transformation, and The Transformation Myth: Leading Your Organization Through Uncertain Times, both published by MIT Press. He is formerly a Senior Editor at MIS Quarterly.
Office Hours
- PhD, IS, Emory University, Goizueta Business School, 2006
- MBA, CIS, Georgia State University, Robinson College of Business, 2002
- M. Div., Theology, Emory University, 1998
- BA, Humanities, Furman University, 1994
Research Interests
- Social and ethical implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
- Exploring how companies use digital tools to innovate through disruption (e.g. COVID-19).
- Examining the success factors associated with the digital transformation of legacy companies.
- Using social media to manage knowledge within, between, and across firm boundaries.
- Investigating the intersection of information systems and social networks, particularly in healthcare organizations.
Journal Articles
- Murat Tarakci, Fabian J. Sting, Jan Recker, and Gerald C. Kane. “Three Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. July 2024.
- Burcu Bulgurcu, Wietske Van Osch, and Gerald C. Kane, “Are Enterprise Social Platforms All Talk?” MIT-Sloan Management Review. (65:3) Spring 2024.
- Sesay, A., Ramirez, R., Boudreau, M. C., & Kane, G. C. (2024). Bureaucratizing the Clan: Impact of Technology Affordances on Control. Journal of Management Information Systems, 41(1), 5–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2023.2301171
- Gerald C. Kane. “How to Write an A Paper.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems. (23:5) September 2022.
- Kokkodis, Marios, Theodoros Lappas, and Gerald C. Kane. “Optional purchase verification in e‐commerce platforms: More representative product ratings and higher quality reviews.” Production and Operations Management May 2022.
- Lily Morse, Mike Tedeorescu, Yazeed Awad, and Gerald C. Kane. “Do the Ends Justify the Means?: Exploring Variation in the Distributive and Procedural Fairness of Machine Learning Algorithms. Journal of Business Ethics. October 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-021-04939-5
- Gerald C. Kane, Rich Nanda, Anh Nguyen Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky. “The Digital Superpowers You Need to Thrive.” MIT-Sloan Management Review (63:1), September 2021.
- Amber Grace Young, Ann Majchrzak, and Gerald C. Kane. Reflection on Writing a Theory Paper: How to Theorize for the Future. Journal of the Association of Information Systems (22:5), September 2021.
- Mike Tedeorescu, Lily Morse, Yazeen Awad, and Gerald C. Kane. “Failures of Fairness in Automation Require A Deeper Understanding of Human-ML Augmentation.” MIS Quarterly (45:3), September 2021. pp. 1483-1499; DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2021/16535
- Lynn Wu and Gerald C. Kane. “Network-biased Technical Change: How Modern Digital Collaboration Tools Overcome Some Biases and Exacerbate Others.” Organization Science (32:2), March-April 2021. pp. 273-292.
- Amber Young, Ann Majchrzak, and Gerald C. Kane. Organizing Workers and Machine Learning Tools for a Less Oppressive Workplace. International Journal of Information Management (59), August 2021. pp. 1-9.
- Gerald C. Kane, Amber Young, Ann Majcrhzak, and Sam Ransbotham. Avoiding an Oppressive Future of Machine Learning: A Design Theory for Emancipatory Assistants. MIS Quarterly (45:1), March 2021.
- Gerald C. Kane, Rich Nanda, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky. “Reinventing the Post-Pandemic Workplace.” MIT-Sloan Management Review (62:1), March 2021.
- Amber Young, Ari Wigdor, and Gerald C. Kane. “The Gender Bias Tug-of-War in a Co-creation Community: Core-Periphery Tension on Wikipedia.” Journal of Management Information Systems. (37:4) pp. 1047-1072. December 2020.
- Christina Yuan, Gerald C. Kane, and Ingrid Nembhardt. “The Influence of Peer Beliefs on Nurses Use of New Health Information Technology: A Social Network Analysis.” Social Science and Medicine. (Vol 255) June 2020.
- Christoph Riedl, Victor P. Seidel, Anita W. Wooley, Gerald C. Kane. “Make Your Crowd Smart: Tailor Crowdsourcing to the Complexity of your Innovation Challenge.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Summer 2020.
- Antino Kim, Atanu Lahiri, Debabrata Dey, and Gerald C. Kane. “Just Enough” Piracy Can Be a Good Thing.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Fall 2019.
- Christina T. Yuan, Gerald C. Kane, Jason M. Fletcher, Ingrid M. Nembhard. “The Role of Social Influence and Network Churn in Beliefs about Electronic Medical Record Technology.” Journal of Social Structure. (20:3) August 2019.
- Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky, Garth Andrus. “How Digital Leadership Is(n’t) Different.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Spring 2019.
- Shamel Addas, Alain Pinsonneault, and Gerald C. Kane “Converting Email from Drain to Gain.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Summer 2018.
- Burcu Bulgurcu, Witske van Osch, and Gerald C. Kane. “The Rise of the Promoters: User Classes and Their Contribution in Enterprise Social Media.” Journal of Management Information Systems. (35:2) July 2018, pp. 610-646.
- Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Arun Sundararajan, and Gerald C. Kane. “The Power of Product Recommendation Networks.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Fall 2017.
- Ksenia Koroleva and Gerald C. Kane. “Relational affordances of information processing on Facebook” Information & Management. (54:5) July 2017, Pages 560-572.
- Fredrik Svahn, Lars Mathiassen, Rikard Lindgren, and Gerald C. Kane. “Mastering the Digital Innovation Challenge.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Spring 2017.
- Gerald C. Kane. “The Evolutionary Implications of Social Media for Organizational Knowledge Management.” Information and Organization. (27:1) March 2017, Pp. 37–46.
- Gerald C. Kane, Douglas Palmer, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, and David Kiron. “Winning the Digital War for Talent.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Winter 2016.
- Gerald C. Kane and Sam Ransbotham. “Content as Community Regulator: The Recursive Relationship Between Consumption and Contribution in Open Collaboration Communities.” Organization Science (27:5), September-October 2016, pp. 1258–1274.
- Gerald C. Kane and Sam Ransbotham. “Content and Collaboration: An Affiliation Network Approach to Information Quality in Online Peer Production Communities.” Information Systems Research (27:2), June 2016, pp. 424–439
- Joshua Marineau, Guiseppe (Joe) Labianca, and Gerald C. Kane. “Direct and Indirect Negative Ties and Individual Performance.” Social Networks (44), January 2016, pp. 238–252
- Maurice Kuegler, Stefan Smolnik, and Gerald C. Kane. “What’s in IT for employees? Understanding the relationship between use and performance in enterprise social software.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems (24:2), June 2015, pp. 90–112.
- Gerald C. Kane, Douglas Palmer, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, and David Kiron. “Is Your Business Ready for A Digital Future?” MIT-Sloan Management Review (56:4), Summer 2015.
- Gerald C. Kane. “Enterprise Social Media: Current Capabilities and Future Possibilities.” MIS Quarterly Executive (14:1), March 2015, pp. 1–16.
- Gerald C. Kane, Jeremiah Johnson, and Ann Majchrzak. “Emergent Lifecycle: The Tension Between Knowledge Change and Knowledge Retention in Open Online Coproduction Communities.” Management Science (60:12), December 2014, pp. 3026–3048. Runner up for AoM (OCIS Division) Paper of the year for 2015.
- Gerald C. Kane, Rich Nanda, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky. “The Transformation Myth: Leading Your Organization Through Uncertain Times.” MIT Press. September 2021.
- Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky, Garth Andrus. “The Technology Fallacy: How People are the Real Key to Digital Transformation.” MIT Press. April 2019. Translated into Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish, and Polish.
Awards, Honors, and Recognition
- • 2024. Davis-Dixon Impact Award, MIS Quarterly. The award recognizes the paper that has made the most significant impact over the past 10 years. Awarded for “What’s Different About Social Media Networks? A Framework and Research Agenda.”
- 2021 Gold Medal. Axiom Business Book Awards.
- 2018 Carroll School Coughlin Distinguished Teaching Award, Graduate Teaching.
- 2017 Citation of Excellence. Emerald Publishing.
- 2009-2016 National Science Foundation CAREER Award ($500,000). Title: Using Social Media to Manage Knowledge, award number 0953285.
- 2014–2016 McKiernan Distinguished Fellow ($30,000). Boston College, Carroll School of Management.
- 2015 Runner-up, Best Published Paper. Academy of Management (OCIS Division).
- 2014–2016 McKiernan Distinguished Fellow ($30,000). Boston College, Carroll School of Management.
- 2012 U.S. Department of Defense ($100,000). Title: Inferring Social and Psychological Meaning in Social Media. Small Business Technology Transfer Award with Charles River Analytics.
- 2009 Runner-up, Best Published Paper in Information Systems Research. INFORMS Information Systems Society.
- 2009 Best Paper. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OCIS Division. Chicago, IL.
- 2009 Kelley Award ($8,000) for research associated with the use of social media in organizations, Carroll School of Management, Boston College.
- 2009 Boston College Faculty Fellowship.
- 2007 2008 Boston College Teaching with New Media (TWIN) Award.
Prior Professional Positions
- The World Bank
- Coca-Cola
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers
- Deloitte, Multiple Locations
- Liberty Mutual, Boston, MA
- BIP Consulting, Milan, Italy
- AppDirect, San Francisco, CA
- Skillsoft, Nashua, NH
- Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany
- Atingire, Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Yum! Brands, Louisville, Kentucky
- John Deere, Molina, IL
- WPP, New York, NY
- Pepsi Co., Latin America
- Walmart, Bentonville, AK
- Caterpillar, Peoria, IL
- MetLife, New York, NY
- Siemens, Berlin, Germany
- Partner’s Healthcare, Boston, MA
- AGL Energy, Sydney, Australia
- The Nature Conservancy, Chicago, IL
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Cambridge, MA
- Axel Johnson, Inc, New York, NY
- LEAD, Dubai, UAE