Ling Xue
- Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems
- Terry Alumni Board Distinguished Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems
Ling Xue is the Terry Alumni Board Distinguished Professor and an associate professor of Management Information Systems at Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. He earned his PhD in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin.
His research expertise lies at the intersection of digital technology and decentralized governance. He delves into the socio-technical aspects within various digital contexts, such as digital platforms, open-source communities, blockchain ecosystems, AI development and deployment phenomena, and traditional corporate IT environments. His research has been published in research journals in various business disciplines, including Information Systems Research (ISR), Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Management Information Systems (MIS), Journal of Information Systems (JIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Information & Management (I&M), International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC) etc.
He is currently an associate editor at ISR, a senior editor at POM, and an associate editor at Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR). He was an associate editor of MISQ. He has also served as the president and the secretary of treasury of E-Business Section of INFORMS. He was a recipient of multiple awards, including the AIS (Association of Information Systems) Mid-Career Award, the reviewer of the year from ISR, and the faculty research recognition award from J Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University. Before joining the University of Georgia, he had served as a faculty member at Georgia State University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Memphis, and University of Scranton.
Journal Articles
- Zhao, Xia; Xue, Ling; Song, Peijian; and Karahanna, Elena. “Direct Communication and Two-sided Matching Quality on Digital Platform: A Perspective of Choice Based on Consideration Set,” Information Systems Research Forthcoming, 2023
- Zhao, Xia; Song, Peijian; Shi, Lanfei; Xue, Ling; Feng, Fan. “Motivating Third-Party Providers to Avoid Customer Complaints: A Randomized Field Experiment from the Perspective of Value Co-creation and Appropriation in Platform Governance,” MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming, 2023
- Mithas, Sunil; Xue, Ling; Huang, Nina; and Burton-Jones, Andrew. “Editor’s Comments: Causality Meets Diversity in Information Systems Research,” MIS Quarterly, 46(3), September 2022, i-xvii
- Chen, Wei; Jin, Fujie, and Xue, Ling. (Equal Contribution) “Flourish or Perish? The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Contributions to Open-Source Software Projects,” Information Systems Research, 33(3), 2022, 867-886
- Tian, Jing; Zhao, Xia; Xue, Ling. “Platform Compatibility and Developer Multi-Homing: A Tradeoff Perspective,” MIS Quarterly, 46(3), 2022, 1661-1690
- Xue, Ling; Mithas, Sunil; and Ray, Gautam. “IT Investment Commitment and Earnings Management: Theory and Evidence,” MIS Quarterly, 45(1), 2021, 193-224
- Zhang, Cheng; Song, Peijian; Qu, Zhe; Xue, Ling; Li, Jiaoyang. “Firm actions, user engagement, and firm performance: A mediated model with evidences from internet service firms,” Information & Management, 57(7), 2020, 103364
- Zhao, Xia; Tian, Jing; Xue, Ling. “Herding and Software Adoption: A Reexamination Based on Post-Adoption Software Discontinuance,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(2), 2020, 484-509
- Xue, Ling; Song, Peijian; Rai, Arun; Zhang, Cheng; and Zhao, Xia. “Implications of Application Programming Interfaces for Third‐Party New App Development and Copycatting,” Production and Operations Management, 28, 2019, 1887-1902.
- Xue, Ling; Yang, Ke; and Yao, Oliver. “Inter-Firm Managerial Social Ties, IT Supplier Selection and IS Complexity,” MIS Quarterly 42(2), 2018, 679-694
- Song, Peijian; Xue, Ling; Rai, Arun; Zhang, Cheng. “The Ecosystem of Software Platform: A Study of Asymmetric Cross-side Network Effects and Platform Governance,” MIS Quarterly 42(1), 2018, 121-149
- Xue, Ling; Ray, Gautam; Zhao, Xia. “Managerial Incentives and IT Strategic Posture,” Information Systems Research 28(1), 2017, 180-198.
- Hou, Liwen; Xue, Ling; Bui, Son Ngoc; and Kettinger, William. “System Sourcing and Information Processing Capability in Supply Chains: A Study of Small Suppliers,” Information Technology & Management 17(4), 2016, 379-391
- Han, Shipeng; Rezaee, Zabihollah; Xue, Ling; Zhang, Joseph, H. “The Association between Information Technology Investments and Audit Risk,” Journal of Information Systems 30(1), 2016, 93-116
- Lu, Xianghua; Zhao, Xia; Xue, Ling. “Is Combining Behavioral and Contextual Targeting Strategies Effective in Online Ads,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 7(1), 2016, 1-20
- Zhang, Cheng; Xue, Ling; and Dhaliwal, Jasbir. “Alignments between Depth and Breadth of Inter-Organizational Systems Deployment and Their Impact on Firm Performance,” Information & Management 53(1), 2016, 79-90
- Xue, Ling. “Governance-Knowledge Fit and Strategic Risk Taking in Supply Chain Digitization,” Decision Support Systems 62 (June), 2014, 54-65
- Zhao, Xia; Xue, Ling; and Zhang, Fuqiang. “Outsourcing Competition When Providers Have Uncertain Costs and Asymmetric Information about the Client,” Production and Operations Management 23(10), 2014, 1706-1718
- Xue, Ling; Ray, G.; and Sambamurthy, V. “The Impact of Supply-Side Electronic Integration on Customer Service Performance,” Journal of Operations Management 31(6), 2013, 363-375
- Ray, Gautam; Xue, Ling; and Barney, J. B. “Impact Of Information Technology Capital On Firm Scope And Performance: The Role Of Asset Characteristics,” Academy of Management Journal 56(4), 2013, 1125-1147
- Xue, Ling; Zhang, Cheng; Ling, Hong; and Zhao, Xia. “Risk-Mitigation in Supply Chain Digitization: A Study of System Modularity and IT Governance,” Journal of Management Information Systems 30(1), 2013, 325-352
- Zhao, Xia; Xue, Ling; and Whinston, Andrew B. “Managing Interdependent Information Security Risks: A Study of Cyberinsurance, Managed Security Service and Risk Pooling Arrangements,” Journal of Management Information Systems 30(1), 2013, 123-152
- Zhao, Xia; and Xue, Ling. “Competitive Target Advertising and Consumer Data Sharing,” Journal of Management Information Systems 29(3), 2013, pp. 189-222
- Xue, Ling; Ray, Gautam; and Sambamurthy, Vallabh. “Efficiency or Innovation: How Do Industry Environments Moderate the Effects of Firms’ IT Asset Portfolios,” MIS Quarterly 36(2), 2012, 509-528
- Zhou, Jianheng; Zhao, Xia; Gargeya, Vidya; and Xue, Ling. “Double Moral Hazard in a Supply Chain with Consumer Learning,” Decision Support Systems 54(1), 2012, 482-495
- Xue, Ling; Ray, Gautam; and Gu, Bin. “Environmental Uncertainty and IT Infrastructure Governance: A Curvilinear Relationship,” Information Systems Research 22(2), 2011, 389-399