Jeffrey (Jeff) M. Humphreys
- Director and Senior Public Service Associate, Selig Center for Economic Growth
E201 Ivester Hall
- PhD, Economics, University of Georgia, 1988
Research Interests
- Marketing Analytics (Minority Buying Power)
- Georgia Economic Outlook
- Regional Economics (focus on Georgia)
- Economic Impact Studies
- Applied Econometrics
- Industrial Organization
- Consumer Behavior
- Labor Supply
- Taxation
- Monetary Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Financial Markets
- Banking
- Analysts' forecasts
- Capital Markets
- Economic Growth
- Monetary History and Policy
Awards, Honors, and Recognition
- Walter Bernard Hill Award, For Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach, UGA, 2019
- Outstanding Service Award, Terry College of Business, UGA, 2010-2011
- Demographic Diamond, Adversting Age (American Demographics, 2003
- Election to Honorary Scocities: Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key National Honor Society, Beta Gamma Sigma, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Eta Sigma
Council Member, Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, The State of Georgia, 2003-2021
Advisor & Analyst, City of Atlanta, Department of Finance, Office of the CFO, 2009-2021
Advisor and Analyst, Georgia Ports Authority, Savannah, GA, 2003-2021
Advisor regarding certifications of “Major Sporting Events Credit” applications, Georgia Department of Economic Development, The State of Georgia, 2016-2021
Columnist, “State of the Economy” Column for Georgia Trend magazine, 1994-2021